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Weather History for Tonopah, NV

Data is available up to March 19, 2025.

Interested in weather history? Access weather history data for dates going back to 1945! It's both useful and fun—whether you're planning a trip or just want to know the weather on a special date.

The Old Farmer's Almanac weather history tool provides access to weather reports from over 1,300 weather stations in cities across the United States and Canada, reporting on past temperatures, precipitation, snow, pressure, dew point, and wind speeds. 

How do you use weather history? There are so many practices uses for business from developing informed business forecasts to understanding road and accident conditions. But also there are personal reasons; for example, knowing about typical weather is helpful for vacation travel, planning an outdoor event or wedding, and planning for outdoor activities such as sailing (think wind!).

Looking forward? See the famous Old Farmer's Almanac long-range weather predictions.

For the Tonopah Airport NV USA Weather Station


Minimum Temperature

59.0 °F

Mean Temperature

70.1 °F

Maximum Temperature

89.6 °F

Pressure and Dew Point

Mean Sea Level Pressure

29.85 IN

Mean Dew Point

50.2 °F


Total Precipitation

Rain and/or melted snow reported during the day.

0.35 IN


10.0 MI

Snow Depth

Last report for the day if reported more than once.

No data.

Wind Speed and Gusts

Mean Wind Speed

11.16 MPH

Maximum Sustained Wind Speed

20.83 MPH

Maximum Wind Gust

26.47 MPH

Weather data collected from the National Climatic Data Center Global Surface Summary of Day. Information from the NCDC may be incomplete. Not every station reports every day, and some stations never report certain values. 

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