Baltimore Oriole Calls
Every year when we go to our cabin along a creek near Stroudsburg, PA we are treated by frequent glimpses of beautiful Baltimore Orioles. We sometimes spot their unique and unusual nests high in the trees along the creek.
This is the 1st time I've had two Baltimore Oriole's arrive here in Spring Grove Il. They arrived May 15, 2020 and have visited my Oriole feeder occasionally over the past 4 days, along with rufus and ruby throated hummingbirds.
Each Spring I anticipate the arrival of the Baltimore Oriole. Over the years it seems this bird migrates farther and farther west to the plains states. Yesterday, May10, the first pair arrived at my grape jelly feeder and orange feeder. A second pair arrived today along with many of their migrating friends. Such a site! Once you have seen one of these lovely black/yellow/orange birds, you will never forget them.
A bright colorful male kept flying & perching on my window seal today. What a beautiful site. He would look at me, start chirping & would perch with his mouth open. I live in northeast TN (Blountville).
Live in Coventry Ct...one perched on my outside door,taping on glass and then flew into trees
June 17,2019
I live in southern Arkansas, about 20 miles south of Pine Bluff. A bird I had never seen before landed on my humming bird feeder a couple of days ago. My mom, she lives behind me, saw the same bird on her feeder today. We both looked up what it might be and discovered it is an Oriole! We are so excited and are planning to put out feeders. We have had humming bird feeders out for at least 10 years and this is the first time I've seen one.
Same thing happened to me today up in Cincinnati!! I put a half an apple on a tomato stake near the hummingbird feeder and he's been on it all day. I hear they love grape jelly too!
I live in Folsom CA and I have Orioles at my bird feeder! Aren’t they a little out of their area???
We live in Saginaw, MI. These beautiful birds come here every summer starting in May. It is mid August and I haven't seen them in days. Must be heading south for the winter?
Hi Michele,
Yes, it is likely the orioles have headed south. Groups begin migrating as early as July to spend winter in Florida, Central America, and the northern ranges of South America.