Celebrate International Left-Handers Day on August 13!
When I was a child, my mother thought I had a learning disability. She tried to teach me to time my shoelaces and I just couldn’t figure it out. Eventually, she got frustrated and asked my dad to show me. He did it once and that’s all it took. Turns out we were both left-handed.
Out of 5 sons my husband is the only left handed child of 2 left handed parents. He says "if the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then left handed people are the only ones in their right mind". I say that there is right handed and wrong handed. We have teased each other about this for 44 years.
I am ambidextrous. I am one who was forced to use my right hand. At one time, I was told left handed people do not write well and do not get jobs where writing is a necessary part of a position. But, while in high school, I'd practice writing left handed and in college years I began to play different sports games (not on official teams) left handed. Later on, after receiving injuries where I was unable to use my right arm, I'm glad I defied those 'teachings' of 'must be right handed'! Since then, I use my left hand for most things but write 90% of the time right handed as it is the most legible of the two. But, I continue to practice making the left handed writing better. Unfortunately, I injured my left thumb and all it's joints a few years ago and it makes it a bit hard to write too long with that hand; I can't hold a pan of water, a dinner plate, etc. long as it hurts too much after awhile. The surgery I needed to fix the joints, etc. had a year long recovery time, time that I did not have to do so.
I am right-handed, but I have always been fascinated by people who are left-handed. When I was a little girl, I met an adult who was really nice to me at a picnic, and he mentioned that he couldn't throw very well because he was left-handed. Somehow, that imprinted on me where I notice when someone is left-handed, especially how many left-handed men write in a hooked position. In the 1992 and 2008 presidential elections, all the candidate were left-handed.
My wife is a left handed. She was so happy when I bought her left handed pens. YES they really make them. The ink dries really fast so no more ink on her hand when she writes!
I write best with my left hand, but play sports right handed, having been taught by 3 older right handed brothers. I can eat or brush my teeth with either hand. It's a mixed bag with me. But there are still schools here in the area that are trying to force left handed kids to be right handed, making them use their right hands to write during school, demanding to know what hand they did their homework with. It's just wrong, what does it matter as long as their writing is easy to read. I know that if someone tried to make me write with my right hand, good luck being able to easily read it.
I have been left handed my entire life and yes early on my teachers tried to persuade me to switch to my right hand. They failed however. My father was left handed as is one of my three children, my son. I am ambidextrous when eating but besides drawing and writing everything else is done with my right. It was frustrating growing up with left spiraled notebooks for sure and the side of my left hand always rubbing on the lead or ink from my writing but I’ve learned to accept my lefthandedness and embrace my individuality.
I’m was born a leftie in a right-handed family. My 1st grade teacher tried to correct me but my parents met with her and insisted she allow it and not punish me. My teacher was catholic and my parents were Baptist. My teacher allowed it but there were no left handed desks; my handwriting was horrible because no one would show me how to hold a pencil. I wrote with my paper almost completely rotated. All my years at school I never came across another lefty. Married a right handed man but he compromises with me on the silverware drawer (I get the forks facing my left hand) lol
I'm left-handed for most things however I've learned to throw, bat and play tennis right handed as well as left. I guess that makes me ambidextrous however I can't write very well with my right hand and my drawing sucks with either one!! I think typing comes easier to me because of the above. Took me a while as a kid to figure out which hand to use for which thing!!
I’m a righty; but last year when I fell and broke my right arm near my hand, I had to quickly learn to do many things with my L hand. Especially eating was a learned skill.
Because of the angle of using your hand when you eat; I couldn’t use my right for many months. So I became very good at eating with my left!