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re: "into the root cellar it went" and "I did my carrots the same way. So we shall see…."
Beets and carrots are ready to come out. How did this work out for you? I have a bag of aspen chips and a bucket at the ready. Can I assume that you topped the carrots?
I don't have a root cellar but I do have a small fridge in my garage that will hold a bucket. Or should I use an unrefrigerated cooler?
Appreciate the help.
A belated THANKS for the response. I'm probably not alone in not having a "cool" storage space. I suspect my cooler in the garage doesn't qualify...the garage itself can get to 70. Is there a preferred temperature range? If I bury my beets and carrots in DRY Aspen chips can I use my small fridge (45-50) or will the humidity get to them anyway?
I'm growing beets for the first time and am wondering how the beets lasted in the bucket of wood chips over winter. Why do you put damp chips on top of each layer? Would flax straw work? Any help would be appreciated.
I had great success keeping carrots in the ground, covered, through the winter.
Can beets be stored the same way?
Where is the best place to get wood shavings? It's the end of July and some of our first planting of beets are ready to harvest. Is it too early to store them the way you describe in wood chips? We have too many to eat in the next two to three weeks.
How did they do in the wood chips?
I was wondering if these wood chips your talking about, aren't they in fact shaveings