
Daily Calendar for Friday, March 10, 2023


  • Ferdinand V (King of Aragon) –
  • Angel de Saavedra (poet, dramatist) –
  • Emily Pauline Johnson (Canadian writer, performer) –
  • Lillian D. Wald (social worker) –
  • Barry Fitzgerald (actor) –
  • Bix Beiderbecke (jazz musician) –
  • Victor Manuel Blanco (astronomer who helped build the Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory in Chile) –
  • Kenneth Burns (singer) –
  • James Earl Ray (convicted of assassinating Martin Luther King Jr.) –
  • Chuck Norris (actor) –
  • David Rabe (playwright) –
  • Lance Burton (magician) –
  • Prince Edward (youngest son of Queen Elizabeth II) –
  • Mike Timlin (baseball player) –
  • Jon Hamm (actor) –
  • Lyne Bessette (professional bicycle racer) –
  • Shannon Miller (gymnast; Olympic gold medalist) –
  • Robin Thicke (musician) –
  • Carrie Underwood (singer) –
  • Emily Osment (actress) –


  • Harriet Tubman (American abolitionist) –
  • Zelda Fitzgerald (wife of F. Scott Fitzgerald) –
  • Konstantin Chernenko (Soviet leader) –
  • Lloyd Bridges (actor) –
  • Danny Joe Brown (musician) –
  • Corey Haim (actor) –
  • Richard Wagamese (Ojibwe writer ) –
  • Emilio Delgado (actor; played Luis on Sesame Street ) –


  • Thomas Jefferson became U.S. minister to France–
  • Thomas Jefferson presented a paper on the megalonyx (which was later determined to be an extinct giant ground sloth)–
  • U.S. national paper currency first issued–
  • The first royal wedding took place at Windsor Castle in St. George’s chapel. Edward, Prince of Wales, married Alexandra, Princess of Denmark–
  • Ulysses S. Grant became the Lt. Gen. of Union army in the Civil War–
  • Alexander Graham Bell transmitted the first telephone message to his assistant saying, Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.–
  • Commissioner George Scott Railton and seven women officers officially began the work of the Salvation Army in the U.S.(Battery Park, N.Y.C.)–
  • William Knox bowled first perfect 300 game in competition–
  • A 6.4 earthquake killed 120 people and caused $50 million in damages, Long Beach, California–
  • Mildred E. Gillars, who made wartime broadcasts for the Nazis under the name Axis Sally, was convicted of treason in Washington— she served 12 years in prison–
  • Tennessee Williams’s play, Sweet Bird of Youth, opened on Broadway–
  • James Earl Ray pleaded guilty to the assassination of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., and was sentenced to 99 years in prison–
  • U.S. Army Captain Ernest L. Medina was court-martialed on murder charges in connection with the My Lai incident of March 1968 (Vietnam War)–
  • Uranus rings discovered–
  • The Vatican declared its opposition to test tube fertilization, embryo transfer, and most other forms of scientific interference in procreation–
  • A previously healthy 25-year old man from Virginia became the first known fatality in the U.S. linked to raccoon rabies–


  • 5.12 inches of rain fell in Wilmington, North Carolina–
  • Thirty-four degrees below zero F at International Falls, Minnesota–
  • In Colebrook, New Hampshire, snow was 21.5 feet deep–

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