
Daily Calendar for Thursday, November 9, 2023


  • Benjamin Banneker (mathematician & astronomer) –
  • Robert Dale Owen (social reformer) –
  • Elijah Parish Lovejoy (abolitionist) –
  • Ivan Turgenev (author) –
  • Sally Tompkins (philanthropist, Civil War hospital founder and operator) –
  • Stanford White (architect) –
  • Marie Dressler (actress) –
  • Hedy Lamarr (actress) –
  • Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr. (politician) –
  • Spiro Agnew (U.S. vice president) –
  • Florence Chadwick (swimmer) –
  • Anne Sexton (poet) –
  • Carl Sagan (astronomer) –
  • Lou Ferrigno (actor) –
  • Chris Jericho (professional wrestler) –
  • Eric Dane (actor) –
  • Nick Lachey (singer) –
  • Nikki Blonsky (actress) –


  • Dylan Thomas (poet) –
  • Charlie de Gaulle (politician) –
  • John N. Mitchell (former U.S. attorney general) –
  • Art Carney (actor) –
  • Ed Bradley (broadcast journalist) –


  • First documented Canadian gridiron football game played, University of Toronto, Ontario–
  • The Great Boston Fire raged for two days–
  • Theodore Roosevelt became the first president to travel outside the U.S. while in office–
  • Jim Thorpe’s Carlisle Indians beat Dwight Eisenhower’s Army Cadets in football, 27 to 6–
  • Twelve Soviet-made MIG-15s attacked four U.S. aircrafts over North Korea in the first dogfight involving jet fighter planes–
  • Major Robert White flew X-15 rocket plane at Mach 6.04–
  • First issue of Rolling Stone magazine came out–
  • Canada’s first domestic communications satellite, Anik A1, launched–
  • The fall of the Berlin Wall–
  • Baseball pitcher Roger Clemens was honored with his seventh Cy Young award and became the oldest pitcher, at age 42, to receive the award–


  • Worst day of storm that caused 12 major shipwrecks on the Great Lakes (United States and Canada)–
  • Record cold hit New York and Boston, with low temperatures of 24 degrees F–
  • A record high temperature of 70 degrees F recorded in Manchester, New Hampshire–
  • A 29th subtropical storm (Theta) formed in the Atlantic, setting a new record for the most named storms in a single season. The previous record of 28 named storms occurred in 2005.–

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