Daily Calendar for Thursday, May 15, 2025


  • L. Frank Baum (author) –
  • Williamina Fleming (astronomer) –
  • Pierre Curie (chemist) –
  • Katherine Anne Porter (novelist) –
  • Emmitt Smith (football player) –
  • Rod Smith (football player) –
  • Josh Beckett (baseball player) –
  • Andy Murray (tennis player) –


  • Emily Dickinson (poet) –
  • June Carter Cash (singer) –
  • Jerry Falwell –
  • Barbara Stuart (actress) –


  • English explorer Bartholomew Gosnold arrived at Shoal Hope in what is now Massachusetts. They caught so many cod there they renamed it Cape Cod–
  • Johannes Kepler verified his Third Law of Planetary Motion–
  • James Puckle was granted a patent for his Defence Gun, the world’s first rapid-fire gun–
  • The Baily’s Beads solar eclipse phenomenon was first described–
  • Rain and fish fell from the sky in Olneyville, Rhode Island. Most of the fish measured 2- to 4-inches long.–
  • Ellen Church became the first airline stewardess, at Boeing Air Transport–
  • First live TV pictures received from a U.S. spacecraft, (Faith 7)–
  • Governor George Wallace of Alabama was shot–
  • Boston Red Sox player Manny Ramirez hit his 400th home run–
  • Four bear cubs playing on a backyard trampoline was caught on video in Avon, Connecticut–


  • Thirty-six inches of snow, Haverhill, New Hampshire–
  • Ninety-two degrees F at Portland, Oregon–
  • 85 degrees F, Olympia and Seattle, Washington–
  • 94 degrees F in Theilman, Minnesota–

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