Daily Calendar for Tuesday, July 22, 2025


  • Gregor Mendel (geneticist) –
  • William Archibald Spooner (known for verbal inversions called spoonerismsβ€β€œ) –
  • Emma Lazarus (poet) –
  • Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy (matriarch of the Kennedy family) –
  • Amy Vanderbilt (journalist) –
  • Bob Dole (politician) –
  • Dorcus Reilly (home economist) –
  • Oscar de la Renta (fashion desinger) –
  • Alex Trebek (game show host) –
  • Danny Glover (actor) –
  • Albert Brooks (actor) –
  • Don Henley (singer) –
  • S.E. Hinton (author) –
  • Willem Dafoe (actor) –
  • Rhys Ifans (actor) –
  • Kristine Lilly (soccer player) –
  • Selena Gomez (singer and actress) –
  • George Alexander Louis of Cambridge (British prince) –


  • Napoleon II of France –
  • James Whitcomb Riley (poet) –
  • William Lyon Mackenzie King (Canadian prime minister) –
  • Corbett Monica (actor) –
  • Estelle Getty (American actress ) –
  • Dennis Farina (actor) –


  • Alexander Mackenzie reached the Pacific Ocean becoming the first Euro-American to complete a transcontinental crossing north of Mexico–
  • Maria Spelterini walked across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. She crossed with her ankles and wrists manacled to inject some drama–
  • Flying in his plane, the Winnie Mae, Wiley Post completed the first solo around-the-world flight–
  • John Dillinger, Public Enemy No. 1, was shot and fatally wounded by a group of FBI agents–
  • Frank Zybach’s β€œself-propelled sprinkling irrigating apparatus” patented–
  • Romanian gymnast, Nadia Comaneci, becomes the first Olympic athlete to score a perfect 10–


  • 504 sheep struck dead in their tracks by a single lighning bolt, Wasatch National Forest, Utah–
  • Barrow, Alaska, where the average annual precipitation is 4.75 inches, received 1.38 inches in 24 hours–

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