In a triumph for freedom of the press, newspaperman John Peter Zenger was acquitted of the charge of seditious libel β
George Washington became a Master Mason β
What is now Prince Edward Island became separate from Nova Scotia β
The Saturday Evening Post was published for the first time as a weekly newspaper β
Aurora visible in much of the United States β
Thomas Stevens was the first to bicycle across the United States, leaving San Francisco on April 22 and arriving on this day in Boston to complete his transcontinental trip. β
The family of Lizzie Borden was found murdered in their home in Fall River, Massachusetts β
Canada entered WWI β
The Gestapo found Anne Frank β
Three civil rights workers (James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner) were found murdered outside Philadelphia, Mississippi β
Major geomagnetic storm β
President Jimmy Carter signed legislation creating the United States Department of Energy β
Phoenix Mars Lander launched, Cape Canaveral, Florida β
Spokane, Washington, reached a record high temperature of 108 degrees F β