Starting The Old Farmer's Almanac
Thank YOU, Nancy, for reading and enjoying our almanac!
Bought my first Old Farmers Almanac in 1981that 5 years later since my first purchase of The Old Farmers Almanac in 1981 that I have been buying The Old Farmers Almanac since 1986 and now since the purchase The Old Farmers Almanac 2018 makes 33 (not counting the 1981 edition. Makes me wish I would have started sooner in purchasing them sooner than 1981. I really enjoy reading The Old Farmers Almanac and collecting them. I also been able to purchase The Old Farmers Almanacs of 1904, 1905, 1909 ,1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, 1914, 1915,1916,1917, and the 1918. On top of those I have mentioned above I been able to purchase the 1804,1805, 1809, 1810,1811,1812,1813 1814, 1815,186,1817,and the 1818 almanacs before the word Old was inserted in The (Old) Farmers Almanac. Keep making The Old Farmers Almanacs as well as the ones from the early twenty century as well as the ones from the nineteenth century. Because as the Good Lord allows me to live in this world I will continue to purchase The Old Farmers Almanac. Keep up the excellent work in providing The Old Farmers Almanacs for purchase. God bless all who make The Old Farmers Almanac available for purchase year after year. Sincerely from a faithful reader of The Old Farmers Almanac, Kevin L. Broehm Albuquerque, New Mexico.
When he put in parenthesis 'no relation' after writing of Isaiah Thomas of Worcester , it made me wonder if they had family named Worcester. My husband is from Worcester, Mass.