A Lady Baltimore Pink Hibiscus.
Planting, Growing, and Pruning Hibiscus
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I would like to buy an Hibiscus plant. There are great deals now. Can you plant them outside is October with good results? I am in zone 5.
Hi Nancy,
You can absolutely plant hibiscus in the fall. We recommend purchasing one of the hardy varieties that we mention in the article above!
Also my dog loves eating the flowers are they bad for dogs
only the Rose of Sharon is bad for pets; other hibiscus are fine;
According to the ASPCA, hibiscus flowers are not poisonous to dogs. However, too much of a good thing can also be bad! We’d recommend preventing your pups from eating too many of the flowers in one sitting.
Hi I have a white webby mass with little white bugs on my hibiscus plant. I've sprayed with hose tried been oil and pruned but they kept coming back every year. What is this a what do I do to get rid of them. They kill my leaves.
It sounds like you could be dealing with either spider mites, whiteflies, or mealybugs, which are all common insect pests. Unfortunately, there’s not a lot you can do to prevent them from coming back each year on outdoor plants, since even if you totally get rid of them on your plants, they may just travel over from your neighbor’s yard and start up another infestation. For this reason, your best bet is to focus on keeping damage to a minimum instead of on outright prevention.
The things you are already doing are good tactics. Keep a close eye on the plants around the time when you first start seeing the bugs and then prune off effected areas, and use neem oil as well. Alternatively, try using a different insecticidal soap if neem oil hasn’t done the trick. This can be found at a local garden center or online.
Just wanted to tell you I have a beautiful hibiscus plant that has already given me 1032 blooms. It still has more buds ready to burst. What an awesome plant this is.
are they bad for our pets
what zone am i in and if i plant in the ground will it do well. last year i put it in my garage with grow lights, they have really grown and i transplanted them into a bigger container. i do not know what variety i have. have yellow with dark red/purple and bright pind with dark centers. they do have 5 whatever they're called on each one.