Weather Sayings: Predicting the Weather with Proverbs
When all of the cows in a field are headed in the same direction, it will soon rain.
A wind from the south has rain in her mouth.
if it thunders in winter 10 days later it will snow
I heard this one somewhere:
Fog at seven, sun by eleven, the rest of the day will be heaven.
This is not folklore but should be...when nascar races come to Bristol, expect rain the whole week. I've lived here all my life and it holds true.
If it rains on Easter Sunday, it will rain on the next seven Sundays.
NE Oklahoma and Arkansas; I was always amazed at how many times the Farmers weather proverbs and prognostics were RIGHT, but as I grew older just realized there were just patterns. My Grandma always told me "it will either rain seven Sundays before Easter, or it will rain seven Sunday's after." But I cannot remember if it rained ON EASTER if that meant a heavy Thunderstorms/Tornado season for Oklahoma or not. Anyone know?
In references to snow:
If the snow is fine, there's more behind.
If it's from the East, it'll be a beast.
One of my favorite sayings "Ring around Moon, Rain will come Soon".