Planting, Growing, and Caring for Sweet Peas
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I have a sweet pea that I moved about 7 years ago from my aunts home...we put it in a spot "temporaily" until we found a better place for it...and its still there! I live in zone 5...when and how can we transplant to another location..so that we can have it grow up instead of lieing on the the ground...thank you!
Sweet peas love cool weather; it might be getting too hot for them now. If you’d like to try, however, you can transplant them to a part shade area, in well-drained soil (not clay). They like sunshine, but they like cool soil. Organic mulch will help that, but certain mulches can also harbor slugs, especially the coarser materials such as bark mulch or straw. In the heat of the afternoon, they will need shade. Choose your planting site wisely. Good luck!
Is it possible to grow sweet pea in a indoor greenhouse?
Yes, you can start sweet pea seeds indoors in a greenhouse. Here in northern climates, we sow mid-April and grow indoors for 3 to 4 weeks before transplanting outside.
I'm in Washington State. What zone am I? When should I start planting my sweet pea seeds so I can get it in Early or late Spring?
I planted mine in March and now they're about 5 ft tall. It probably bloom will July. Any tricks so I can them sooner?
Washington has quite a range—mostly 6am to 8b. So it depends where in Washington. See the Plant Hardiness Map: http://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/PHZMWeb/
If you planted by the spring equinox in March, you should probably see blooms by the summer equinox in June.
I believe I am in zone 7, and I would love to plant sweet peas. Sadly, I think it is too late to get them this year, but perhaps next. What variety will produce large pink or purple flowers on long stems for cutting?
If you’re in zone 7 (or south), you could go for fall planting. Sweet Pea-Mammoth is a variety with large flowers on long stems.
I planted sweet peas next to my sugar snap peas. They are both blooming at the same time. I just learned the sweet peas are poisonous to eat. Should I not eat my sugar snap peas because they might be poisonous from cross pollination with the sweet peas?
I live in Houston,TX. What zone is that? It got cool for a few days. Is it just not possible to grow sweet peas here? Are there other vines that I could plant now?