Attract beautiful butterflies to your garden with a butterfly bush.
Planting, Growing, and Pruning Butterfly Bushes
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I struggle w/butterfly bush here in zone 9B/10 Tampa Bay region of Florida. I was going to give up, then saw a deep purple flowered one and couldn't resist. I asked at the nursery, and they said the biggest gift I can give the butterfly bush is to water it. They water their potted ones twice a day. Deadhead anything brown just above a node and give your plant a chance to get used to its new home. And good luck to both of us :D
Buddlea is a noxious weed in Washington State. The flowers offer some nectar, but no place for egg laying. Do not plant it here!
I just moved in March and my new yard has a very tall Butterfly bush that looks like it hasn't been pruned in years. I don't want to kill it. So if I prune it way back in the Fall will it come back next Spring? I read you're supposed to cut them back to about 2 to 4 feet above ground and if I do that I will be cutting off all foliage.
Someone who knows please let me know how I should prune it.
Butterfly bush can survive a deep pruning, but right now might be a good time to just prune about 1/3 of the height
Zone 4 Pink Delight butterfly bush. I ordered 8 plants and am wondering if I made a mistake, and they won't grow in Zone 4? Will they survive if prune them down to ground level in late Fall, and put a deep layer of straw over them until next Spring? Thank you.
I live in Chicago and have a huge butterfly bush (its about 4years old). I cut it way down almost to ground level (about an inch from ground) every October just before Halloween. Every spring new shoots come up bigger and with more flowers. I hope this helps you.
Please report your results. I also would like to grow this shrub in zone 4 Western Wisconsin! Thank you kindly.
It may get too cold in zone 4 for the 'Pink Delight'. You can apply a four to six inch layer of mulch covering the crown in the fall and hope for the best.
Will any varieties grow in zone 4? Thank you.
I live in zone 4. I have at least 7 butterfly bushes. One is 17 years old. They grow well here.