Take a look at—and have a listen to—the famous owl of our storybooks.
It is midnight here on Long Island, NY and I’m listening to the calls of a Great Horned Owl right now. He/she has been here for about 5-6 weeks; i hear it from dusk to dawn almost every night and have seen it flying between the trees in our neighborhood. So far I’ve only heard 1; would love for there to be a pair!
I believe it took over a next high up in a pine tree abandoned by a red-tailed hawk who was here for a few years in the spring/summer. Wonder what happens if the hawk comes back???
Earlier this winter we saw a family of bunnies that seems to be under our backyard shed cohabitating with a family of possums; maybe that’s why the owl is here. Haven’t seen any bunnies in the last couple of weeks :-(
Quite an exciting bunch of wildlife we have here considering we are in a fairly densely populated area only 25 miles from Manhattan/NY City!
I live in St Augustine, FL
We have at least one great horned owl in our neighborhood. He's lived here for a very long time. We hear his call echoing in the woods. We see him flying low from tree to tree or across the road while we are walking early in the mornings before daybreak. Once or twice, I have walked right past one sitting on a roof or in a tree, like 5 -10 feet away, and stood and watched it, but it did not seem worried that I was there. I had my little yorkie with me, but he was not interested. Once I thought I heard a dog barking, but it was the owl in a tree.
I live in one of the neighborhoods of Boston MA. While out on my back porch about 3 weeks ago, I heard the sound of an owl and then immediately afterward , I heard another owl further away. This back and forth calling went on for a good while. Since I wasn't sure what kind of owls I was hearing I went inside and researched owl sounds and bingo, the owls I heard were Great Horned Owls! I was excited because I've never heard them before. We do have Eastern Screech owls close by that we hear in warmer months. Hearing not only 1 but 2 Great Horned Owls communicating nearby was such a thrill!!!!
Live in Victoria BC on Vancouver Island 🇨🇦 We have 2 great horned owls 🦉 that show up on occasion- the crows 🐦⬛ harass them alerting us to their presence- the owl will spend the entire day up in the tree and swoop off silently at dusk
I live, backed up to, the National Forest in Northwest Arkansas. We have at least one pair with their young on a regular basis. We have been curious as to when the young split off, as we have heard the screech for food from this past Summer all the way up to two weeks ago. Not sure if they have quit or just moved, temporarily, farther into the trees due to the snowy weather. There seemed to be three young ones this past brood.
I was raised next to a swamp in Louisiana and I heard them every night. Sometimes we'd see them chasing squirrels around at dusk. Now here in San Francisco, we hear them in McLaren Park. But lesser now since the Rec and Park dept has been cutting down what they perceive as non native trees that have been their home for a century. Who is the native? Certainly not humans.
I have grown up hearing these owls both in Galax, VA and Amherst, VA. Most recently I heard one in the middle of the night because my dog woke me up barking and the only thing I could figure out was that it was barking at the owls (there were no critters in the yard and the windows were shut with shades down. The only outside the norm thing was the hooting of the owl(s)! I just played the recording in this article and indeed he started barking again! lol I love listening to them at night! Makes me feel hopeful and at peace.
I was paid a visit from one. I was doing Industrial construction and working in a chemical plant in Savannah, Ga and driving slowly along a dirt road at the Chatham/Effingham county line. Suddenly an enormous wingspan filled my windshield, so I stopped and this huge owl landed beside my driver side window, it was close enough to touch. It slowly turned it's head towards me, and gave me a gaze that was chilling, like what the heck are you doing? Then it turned its head and flew off. The next day I went to work and put myself on the reduction of force list. I saw it as a sign. I only worked in one other chemical plant years after that, I have other owl stories, so I take owls as my totem animal.
I do hear owls hooing sometimes late at night where I live in Holden, Massachusetts. I always feel blessed when I do, I am so hoping to receive a visit from one of these mystical beings!