Growing Peace Lily Plants: Watering, Light, Repotting, and Pests
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I have a plant here in North Georgia that I have had for many years. It needs dividing again, but it has just begun to bloom. Will it hurt to go ahead and divide now, or should I wait for the blooms to die back at the end of summer?
Hi Linda,
All of the plant’s energy is going into blooming right now, so the best option would be to leave it alone until the blooms die back.
The peace lily where I work is getting really big the stems are long but the leafs are at the top like they should be but it looks bare toward the pot it's in, can it be cut back and if so will it have new leaves grow back??
Nope you can't cut the leaves back like that to get a smaller plant.
You just happen to have grown yourself a large specimen and should be proud of your green fingers.
I have a spathiphyllu floor plant I don't no what I'm doing wrong I'm Putin miracle grow two week n water once a week I have it on table n front window and it' my mom plant need to keep alive
I can send pics
You are probably over feeding it.
I have one plant which I have now divided into 8 plants after 8 years. I don't feed the plants every year I just add a bit of fresh compost to the top of each pot.
I have the flower bud can I start a new plant from that?
You actually make more plants by division.
If you look at the base of the plant you can see groups of stems. If you take the plant out of the pot and remove soil from around it you will see that you can separate the different groups of stems with the roots by just pulling them apart. If you do this you can pot up each group separately giving you more than one plant.
My lily flowers are green, I've had white ones but they are mostly green any suggestions would be appreciated, thank you Amy
Green flowers may be a sign of over-fertilization. Peace lilies don’t need much help, so try cutting back on fertilizing to only once or twice per year.