A Lady Baltimore Pink Hibiscus.
Planting, Growing, and Pruning Hibiscus
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I order hibiscus roots in December. Received the roots in May. I pot planted them end of May due to the amount of heavy rain we had. The leaves had holes so I removed some leaves. I put plant food to help them bloom. To date flowers have not bloomed. Can you tell me what I am doing wrong Thank you.
Are the seeds in the pod after the flower
Yes. Leave the flowers to die back. After the flowers are spent for the season, a brown pod will form at the end of the stem in the same place. The seed pod is quite large and obvious. When it starts to brown and break open at one end, collect the small brown seeds. Make sure to place them in a plastic baggie and seal it.
Please, list yellow flowers, prenuptial please. Spring & summer flowers. Thank You.
Hi Glenda, If you’re looking for yellow perennials, there are hundreds of choices. Examples of flowers that come in yellow: Rudbeckia Goldsturm, Baptisia, and Coreopsis. We would suggest you Google a garden nursery to browse which plants fit your growing zone! Here is an example: www.bluestoneperennials.com