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Choosing the right chicken breed is an important part of raising chickens. Do you want lots of eggs, friendly chickens, or just something fancy? There are so many chicken breeds out there; it can be overwhelming! Here are some things to consider when choosing the best breed of chicken for your backyard coop.
Which Types of Chickens Should You Get?
When it comes to choosing your chicken breeds, there are more breeds out there than you can shake an eggbeater at! We’re talking about hundreds of different breeds—lots of choices!
One of the delights of this step is learning some of the types of chickens and their charming names: Silkie, Showgirl, Silver-Laced Wyandotte, Rosecomb, Redcap, and Russian Orloff, to name a few.
Plus, if you’re raising chickens, you don’t have to choose just one breed! Fortunately, chickens of all different breeds typically get along just fine, and your egg basket will be much more colorful if your flock comprises a variety of chickens.
Maybe you do want colorful eggs. Or, maybe, you want breeds known for their laying prowess. Perhaps, docile, kid-friendly breeds are a consideration. Or maybe you live in a cold climate and want to be sure the breeds you choose will be well-suited to your area.
Choosing Chicken Breeds
The chickens you ultimately choose will depend on what criteria are important to you and your family.
First, let’s consider WHERE you live and your type of climate. Not all chickens like cold climates, and some struggle in heat.
Heat-Tolerant Chicken Breeds
If you live in an area that’s warm and humid for much of the year, then choosing heat-tolerant breeds will be important. Their smallish, sleek bodies and large combs help them stay cool in extreme heat.
Cool-Weather Chicken Breeds
Conversely, if you live in a cold climate, then a larger-bodied chicken with a smaller comb will do better. Here are good choices:
Barred Rocks,
Buff Orpingtons
An Australorp hen rests among thyme and hostas.
Besides weather and climate, it’s important to know if you need a breed that is a super-productive egg layer, especially if this is for a small business.
Medium-production layers are plenty for a family. Bantam chicken eggs are small; to complement their yolks, you’ll need more whites than most angel food cake recipes call for.
Most Productive Egg-Laying Chickens
While no chicken lays an egg daily, a good layer will supply your family with five to six eggs a week during the spring and summer months. If maximum egg production is important to you, then you can’t go wrong with these breeds known for their egg-laying prowess.
Barred Rock
Rhode Island Red
Rhode Island Reds are great egg-layers.
Friendly Chicken Breeds
If you have small children, or just desire a flock of friendly chickens who will love to sit on your lap and eat out of your hand, then consider these chicken breeds:
Buff Orpingtons
You might also consider raising bantams. They’re about half the size of standard breed chickens, so they can be less intimidating for little kids, and they come in a wide variety of different breeds.
Chicken eggs come in a rainbow of colors—no dyeing necessary!
Chicken Breeds and Egg Color
There’s nothing more exciting than a multi-colored egg basket! While egg color shouldn’t necessarily be your first consideration, choosing some breeds that lay different-colored eggs is always fun.
Most chicken breeds lay brown eggs, although most of the Mediterranean breeds lay white eggs.
Brown Eggs
Marans lay dark chocolate brown eggs.
Blue Eggs
Ameraucana, Araucana, and Cream Legbar lay beautiful blue eggs.
Green Eggs
Isbar chicken produces a light green egg. Olive Eggers lay olive green eggs.
Easter Eggs
And Easter Eggers are the most fun of all. Each Easter Egger will lay a different color egg, anything from blue to green to pink or cream. You don’t know what color egg you’ll get from a hen until she starts laying.
An Olive Egger carefully combs the grass for tasty grubs.
Fancy Chicken Breeds
If you want pretty chickens, then choose some fancy chickens for a visually pleasing flock! While not known for being the best layers, these fancy breeds will entertain and delight with their unique appearance.
Cochins (feathered feet)
Faverolles (feathered feet)
Marans (feathered feet)
Ameraucanas (cheek muffs and “beards”)
Polish (crazy hairdos)
Frizzles (feathers pointing every which way
Barred Plymouth Rock
A Few Favorite Chicken Breeds
As longtime experts in raising chickens, we’ll also share our favorite breeds
I kept Rhode Island Reds and Barred Plymouth Rocks, both of which are usually available from a local hatchery. These are docile, not particularly noisy, high-laying, dual-purpose chicken breeds that take confinement well. They gave me 75 percent egg production—that is, a dozen chickens produced nine eggs a day while they were laying.
Another favorite of mine is the Jersey Giant. It is black or white, and large. (My black Jersey Giant rooster was 16 inches at the saddle!) The hens are medium- rather than high-laying chickens, but the eggs are larger than those of the Plymouth Rock or Rhode Island Red. This breed is calm and docile but needs more room because of its size.
Araucanas tend to be flighty (not docile), but they thrive in almost any climate, take confinement well, and are quiet. If you want to make them more calm and docile, try hypnotizing them (and no, we’re not kidding!) Plus, the green-shelled eggs are a novelty. (One of my Rhode Island Red hens mated with an Araucana cock and gave me a hen that laid olive eggs!)
My dream team would include Easter Eggers. They are similar in temperament to Araucanas and lay those blue or green eggs. It may take me a while to track them down, but—hey!—the dream team is worth it.
In the end…
No matter which breeds of chicken you choose to raise, you will be rewarded with baskets full of delicious, fresh eggs and hours of relaxing entertainment, watching your little flock roam the yard softly clucking, chasing bugs, and scratching for weeds.
What kind of chickens do you raise in your backyard? Tell us in the comments below!
More of Raising Chickens 101
See more of our beginner’s guide to raising chickens:
Lisa Steele, is 5th generation chicken keeper, Master Gardener, and author of the popular books Fresh Eggs Daily: Raising Happy, Healthy Chickens Naturally and Gardening with Chickens. Read More from Lisa Steele
I love my girls.. Rhode Island reds, lanthrop, buff orpington, wyandotte, faverole, wellsummer,delaware whites, Barnevelder and baredrock. Colors of the eggs are from white to dark chocolat brown.
I have kept chickens for about ten years. I have mostly Rhode Island Red and Black Sex-Link. I have had Buff Orpingtons, Plymouth Rocks, Lohmanns, Wyandottes, and one Chantecler. The Chantecler would still lay the occasional egg at ten years old. She would go broody every season up to about age 7. She was a great forager and an all around great hen. I considered her the best of my flock. A weasel found an entry to my coop recently. Among the dead was my great old Chantecler. I would like an entire flock of Chanteclers if I could find them. Unfortunately, they are not common here.
I want to raise chicken for white and brown eggs in North Georgia not more than 4 but I don't know which type of chicken will be good in here.
Thank you.
Think about Cochins or chickens with feathered legs and feet. They were bred to withstand cold weather. Just make sure they also have a good deal of shade in summer.
I'm in Kentucky and I have leghorns. They tolerate the heat well, but I give them a radiant heater and outdoor pet heating pads to sleep on for the winter. They have taken the winter very well as this was their first winter year. Hope this helps you choose.
I read on my electronic copy of the Old Farmer's Almanac an article today about the color of the egg(shell) depending upon the color of the chicken's ears. I visited a neighbor's chicken coop today but couldn't discern just where the ears are. Can you send me a picture that (more) clearly shows where the ears are? Now I'm really curious! Thank you.
My family just Got 4 Americana chicks along with our 4 speckled Sussex, 4 Buff orpingtons, 2 Blue Laced Wyandottes, 3 Columbian Wyandottes, 3 Polish, and 4 Rhode Island Reds! They all get along great and your articles have helped us out so much thank you!