Apples bagged and unbagged.
Bagging Apples on Your Orchard Trees
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I just wanted to thank you for this I am going to try this, this year. tried paper bags but I live in Washington with all the rain they fell off or broke this sounds like a much better solution!
Hello how are you .we produce guava in Central America and we used growing paper bags the best way to save your fruits ,and we also sell this products .pls let me know I can get some samples for you .ed
Can we also bag guava?
Will bagging work on lemons and tangerines? Something keeps stripping the rind off of my young citrus fruit. I am in zone 8b. Thanks!
Bagging would probably work; I'd think that the fruit would ripen sooner, too. It's worth experimenting with a few.
I've seen paper bags on apples blossoms. do you recommend them? do they work ok? thanks
As far as I know apple blossoms need to be cross-pollinated with another cultivar to set fruit.
Does bagging prevent fungus disease? We have a lot more problem with fungi here in the Catskills than insects. And what do you do with CAR? I haven't found any way to get around spraying for that one.
Yes, bagging prevent fungal diseases IF you bag fruit at pea-size, before infestations.
Is there any point to bagging quinces? Does it make them sweeter? I have an extremely productive quince tree that produces marvelous fruit… although, now that I think about it, last year for the first time they were infested with these bright red worms.