Attract beautiful butterflies to your garden with a butterfly bush.
Planting, Growing, and Pruning Butterfly Bushes
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We are no longer recommending new plantings of the butterfly bush, given its categorization as an invasive in most of North America. Instead, we recommend using plants that better support the native landscape and food web, given our declining pollinator population. See alternative plants that attract butterflies.
Native Alternatives to Butterfly Bushes
Here are a few great flowering alternatives that also serve as host plants for caterpillars:
- Asters (Symphyotrichum)
- Beardtongue (Penstemon)
- Bee Balm (Monarda)
- Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia)
- Columbine (Aquilegia)
- Coneflowers (Echinacea)
- Goldenrod (Solidago)
- Irises (Iris)
- Milkweed (Asclepias)
- Rhododendrons & Azaleas (Rhododendron)
- Spicebush (Lindera)
- Strawberries (Fragaria)
- Verbena (Verbena)
- Viburnum (Viburnum)
- Yarrow (Achillea)
See a list of host plants native to your area here: Native Plant Finder
Hi Daisy,
It sounds like it is in an ideal spot in the garden so don’t disturb it. My guess is that it is just taking time to get established. Often, plants undergo “transplant shock,” which can take more than a few months to recover from. It is not unusual for a shrub to appear stagnant for its first season. You may not see new growth aboveground because it is putting energy into root development.
Where can I purchase a Butterflie plant ???
My butterfly bush has many flowers but they do not open fully. The top opens but not the part nearest the stem. Most of the bloom never opens.
Any ideas?
Thank you
Hi Barbara,
You might be looking at the spent portion of the flower. Often the bloom will go to seed from the bottom up, which makes it look like just the top portion is blooming.
My butterfly bush is in a pot and is doing great. The spread is about 3 feet. Will it survive an Ohio winter or should I find a spot in my garden and replant it!
Hi Tom,
You might be able to protect it better from the cold by keeping it in the container and providing shelter/cover/wrap. Also, buddleia is an invasive species so we recommend people plant only non-invasive cultivars in the garden.
Hello - I have had my butterfly bush for years now, and it used to bloom beautifully. Now, it's slow to bloom and the leaves look very "skeletal". I am not sure what is eating the leaves, but how can I save my plant from getting eaten up?
Also, my bush never grew into a nice, wide "bush" - rather, it's flimsy and needs to be tied up every year, or it falls over on the ground. What can be done about this?
(We cut it back every Spring - it just grows back the same way.)
Thank you!
Most perennials I've had to divide. I have two butterfly bush I cut down to the ground each Spring. They grow taller than the house and are planted too close to the house so they hit the roof. Can I divide the bushes or should I just pull them out?
Hi Susan,
The bushy growth habit you like is the result of proper pruning (not cutting down to the ground). With respect to your leaves, there are a few different insect pests that cause that kind of damage. All told, your buddleia doesn’t sound like it is particularly healthy. But don’t despair, this is a great opportunity! The standard Butterfly bush is an invasive species; horticulturists now advise against planting it, so consider replacing yours with a non-invasive, sterile cultivar like ‘Asian Moon’, ‘Blue Chip’, or ‘Ice Chip’.
I have mostly natives and some edibles and adapteds in my yard in Leander Texas. I just had a Hummingbird Moth visit me while I was sitting on a sandstone boulder in front of my Butterfly Bush or Buddleia davidii. I had a beautiful little ladybug too!!!