Attract beautiful butterflies to your garden with a butterfly bush.
Planting, Growing, and Pruning Butterfly Bushes
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These bushes are pretty hardy perennials (some would say invasive), so it seems unlikely that it will not come back. It may be that it was fooled by the early warmth, and succumbed to the chill, so needs more time to make a come back. Give it some more time.
I have a bush growing in a now rather inconvenient spot in my yard. It is above ground, planted inside a ring of brick. What I would like to know is, would it be safe to transplant the bush into a large planter at this time of year since there has, of yet, been no new growth?
I planted a butterfly bush last year. I'm in Pennsylvania and it looks dead. I have not done anything to it but I just read that I should cut it back. Is it too late to cut it back? Should it have leaves by now? Thanks!
I also live in Pennsylvania and just planted 3 last year. I did not cut back because of them being so new . They looked dead for while but are now sprouting leaves all over. I live in central Pennsylvania. If you live in northern Pennsylvania it may take a while longer .
Pruning a butterfly bush should done before new growth begins in the spring since they flower on new growth. Though it seems extreme, prune butterfly bushes to within one foot of the ground annually enhances the flower display. Good luck and happy gardening!
Just like Shannon from Pennsylvania, my butterfly bush is not showing any signs of life, at all. I live in Northeastern Indiana. I purchased it last year & paid a heft price for it. It is multi-colors and was beautiful!! I am a nervous nelly when it comes to trimming/cutting...I just wanted to clarify when you told Shannon to trim, does that mean trim all the way down? Thank you for your time. Sincerely.
Hi Donna, You haven’t seen any leaf buds at all? You do NOT want to prune after they have started to leaf out since they only flower on the new growth. If you prune after they bud, you’re cutting off the new flowers.
Pruning isn’t essential unless your bush is getting too large or out of control. We only prune to encourage new growth and lots of blooms.If your butterfly bush isn’t leafing out by early May, it may have died. Do the “scratch test.” Scratch the bark near the base of the plant. Do you see green or brown? If you see green, it’s alive. If it’s not green, start higher up. Work your way down the bush until you find signs of life and prune to that point.
And, yes, butterfly bushes can be pruned severely; they love it.
Our yard is under construction
Can I put my butterfly bush in a container until I can put it
Back in the ground again
I planted a new bush in the ground. I am new to central Florida. It was 2 ft tall and is growing wonderfully but has NO flowers! What have I done wrong? It is on the NW corner of my house. Can't find any information on line to tell me. I may just cut it all back and hope it grows flowers when it grows back. Thanks. Bev
I have a very well established butterfly bush that has been in the ground for about 12 years. It bloomed nicely the first few years, but I have not seen anything in at least 5-8 years. It gets full sun. It is next to our pool. We also have black walnut trees about 20-25 feet away. Could any of these things be the cause? Anything I can do to get this plant to bloom?