How to Prepare for Daylight Saving Time
THIS IS SO BRAINDEAD, AND UNHEALTHY. Our bodies are on their own time and we should not be forced to changed to an artificial version... IF WE ARE NOT CHANGING , IT SHOULD BE NATURAL TO STANDARD.
It is so hard for students and teachers to keep switching back and forth. Plus DST had students waiting in the dark to get on a bus to go to school. Standard time really is the best for them.
Bottom line, leaving our time one or the other would be better for our bodies. But please consider all folks.
Either one is OK with me, but of course it is nice to have the extra daylight in the evening. I live in Southern California and am taking an Alaskan cruise early this September (2024). I'm wondering how the longer days up there will affect me.
Hello 👋🏼, your body will tell you when it wants to sleep or eat, and if you kinda liking the time change in Alaska enjoy it take some notes that you can use when you get back home.
I'm retired thing I do is take walks while it's light outside, but when I look at my clock I'm not looking at a say 9 am I'm actually in my minds timing looking at 8 am, see I never liked daylight savings time, it interfered with just about everything I wanted to do when I had the job so I couldn't wait to retire so I use my regular time which is standard time side by side and I can live my life my way, like right now it's 10:14 am but to me it's 9:14
Just keep your schedule the way you like it n if thing's in Alaska goes with your liking their time change, make friends there so you can have the help to put your schedule one hour backwards to do and fit everything in your own style and life, springing backwards isn't so bad once you learn to relax and put it along side your everyday chores and go to's in your life
Enjoy your trip and write down some notes of the timing and remember where it is fall here it might be spring on its way there, I haven't looked at Alaska's seasons up there since I retired, but you'll be just fine
Laetitia Pannell
It’s harder to switch my dogs to the new schedule than for me. Hardest is spring.
They know exactly when to expect their meals and snacks, I try to tell them but to no avail.
Image a herd would be much more difficult.
Hello 👋🏼 Lane, that's because they listen to their biological body clock no they're not going to change to daylight savings time because their body is daylight standard time, just put the standard time next to saving time and the schedule as usual.
I was glad to retire I still go by standard time, if someone were to as what time is it, sure I'll give them their time but when I look at the clock ⌚ I'm seeing my actual time example, it's 10:29 am but for me it's really 9:29 am, this aft noon when I go for noon day prayers 🙏🏼 at their time which is 12:00 noon for me it's 11:00 am, so if you keep that in mind when feeding your pups they'll love you 💗 you more for it and your body will love you even more, see never flip the time you eat wether it's spring or summer that's because if you do that's when you can upset your body's biological timer for everything that is you, so if it's eight o'clock in the morning when they want their breakfast then both of you eat together if it's 12 noon n they want their walk and their snack then you take them to get there's and then you take them to go get yours, simple n if your working and your lunch hour is at 11 am pack your lunch because it'll be 12 noon for your friends at work, but 11 am for you, enjoy your own time with your pups and and with your friends just know that you're actually enjoying time with them one hour early but that's for you and your body to know and your pups to know.
Putting the standard time and the savings time together side by by side can help you feel more comfortable in your own surroundings
Enjoy your day relax you got this.
Laetittia Pannell
My dogs dont mind the spring one, dinner is an hour earlier, but the looks I get in the fall...you would think the world is ending.. I half the the difference for a few days.. poor spoiled babies! Gotta love them!
To be honest I hate losing an hour of vital sleep. No it needs to go. I live in California and voted It's got to go! I'm sick of it it's as though you walk around with jet lag for eight months without leaving your time zone.
Leave time the same!!! One way or the other!!! To hard to adjust!!! People don’t need this every year!!!
I say leave it somewhere. I don’t care if it’s standard or daylight savings but just get someplace and sit still. It’s ridiculous to keep changing it.