Catch the Full Sturgeon Moon
Although the sturgeon are rare in some areas of the world, the Lake Sturgeon is doing very well in Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Well enough in WI to have a regulated spearing season and in MN to have a angling season for 30 days in the fall.
Captain Brian
Retired Sturgeon and Catfish Guide
The article says it peaked at 2:26 PM. Is that correct or should it have said 2:26 AM? Someone please clarify.
In the Moon Folklore section, it says "If you glimpse the new Moon over your right shoulder, you will have good luck." But what does this mean? The new moon isn't visible to the naked eye. How would that have ever been possible?
You are absolutely right! We think that it would be especially rare, and lucky, to see a new Moon over one’s right shoulder—since it is practically impossible to do so! The new Moon rises around the time of the Sun, and travels the sky in daytime; the sunlight prevents us from seeing it with just our eyes. One might, with special eye protection, be able to see a new Moon during a solar eclipse, though.
We’re not sure how this folklore came about, but it might actually refer to the thinnest crescent just past the new Moon phase; this is sometimes referred to as the “new Moon” even though the actual moment of the phase (when the Moon is totally dark from our view) has passed.
It's a beautiful thing I've ever seen ever I hope I'm still here in 2037 NASA good job with your comments and your logic thank you
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The moon is always interesting and beautiful. I hope to see the Blue moon tonight! Thanks, K
Okay so the moon is not 225,000 or whatever miles away!! It is absolutely impossible because the earth is FLAT and we live in a closed system!!!! There's no such thing as planets. The sun and the moon are COSMIC PLASMA!! I hope that anyone who reads this comment doesn't take my word for it and does their own research!! It's not hard to do. All you have to do is look a little harder at things in our world and ALWAYS QUESTION THE NARRATIVE!!
I can't tell if this is satire or if the author is, ahem, suffering from a bout of full-moon-induced lunacy