Watch for December's Full Cold Moon!
Image credit from Colleen Quinell looks remarkably like Rapatronic photo of first atomic bomb explosion at Trinity.
Header says cold moon, Wednesday Dec 26 Boxing Day. Wednesday is the 27th
Thanks very much to Farmer's Almanac for the Astronomical information; I think the planet I watch transit at night is Mars; near the Moon; thanks Bob!!!~
Thank You Anne for your kind reply and insight. There have been far too moons since last I could swim, let alone Coach swimmers like those who do and have done after me. The Summer Solstice was always my favorite day to train towards and for. Knowing that the next day was going to be shorter, was all the motivation I needed to persevere. Stay curious, courageous and caring. Leads to true clarity. My Best Regards, Bob (Robert only to me dearly beloved folks). 😉
These are cool Moon names; thanks for sharing; I like to hear the ice on the winter branches too; Alternative December Moon Names
nclude Drift Clearing Moon (Cree), Frost Exploding Trees Moon (Cree), Moon of the Popping Trees (Oglala), Hoar Frost Moon (Cree), Snow Moon (Haida, Cherokee), and Winter Maker Moon (Western Abenaki). American Indian Names!!!
I've never seen the moon obscure Mars, will be watching it tonight🌚
i was sitting at a stoplight and i saw the moon and couldnt tell if it was full as a small thin cloud was in front of it. the cloud never moved on but seemed to shimmer and become wispy then the cloud was gone and so was the moon. very odd, made me wonder
Do you offer a picture poster of the 2022 12 full moons rather than a calender?
I came here to ask the same question.
Saw it rise last evening and am watching it set right now. Magnificent!