Spot the Full Snow Moon!
Hi, Judy, You have made our day with your lively and generous comment. Thank you very much for your loyalty to this Almanac! About the “anonymous quotes”: You might be going waaaay back (like several decades), when every teeny, tiny space on any page that was not an ad was filled with a line of text.
For more than 15 years now, we have attributed the source of just about every quote, with his/her name, his/her country of origin (e.g., American), the nature of his/her work (e.g., American writer, Canadian poet), and given his/her birth and death dates (e.g., 1875–1937). The only time this might not appear is on the Calendar Pages because there is so little space. Sometimes proverbs or adages or folklore appears without attribution; that may be what you are thinking about.
We aim to introduce quotes and other fun facts or sayings into stories when they “fit”—not just the space but the theme—and we will continue to do so.
In the meantime, thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts! We appreciate you!
Almanac editors
I'm 65 years old now buy I remember having a Farmers Almanac in my home as a small child. My parents had farming backgrounds in Oklahoma and forever kept the almanac within their reach. Now sharing this with my own children.
Some of the more ''far out'', incredible information I've learned about the moon extends well beyond the quaint folklore about it catching rain or enhancing plant growth.: 1) It's a vantage point from which ET geneticists who engineered humans can monitor us,2) the moon is hollow, making metallic clanging sounds when struck by jettisoned portions of the space capsule. 3) It's material is older than any known material on earth, 4) it appears to be an artificial satellite, contains electronic equipment, & provides interior shelter..5) ET bases and space craft were observed on the back side of the moon during Apollo 14 landing. Radio transmissions directly from Apollo were intercepted by an independent Ham operator confirming this encounter. 6) A later Apollo mission carrying a nuclear device intended to detonate on the back side of the moon, was met by an extraordinary light (ship?) which fired a beam at the apollo craft just as it went exoatmospheric, striking it 4 times while circling it, causing it to disintegrate and fall back into the earth's atmosphere. The FAA footage, evidence of this event was pirated from "men in black" who visited the FAA's 2nd in command who was later interviewed by Dr. Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project.
I am trying to find out what the twin days are for planting butterbeans.Any info appreciated please.
Twin days are when the Moon is in the astrological sign of Gemini (the Twins). You can find out when the Moon is in this sign by going to “The Moon’s Astrological Place, 2015-16” chart on page 243 of the 2016 national edition of The Old Farmer’s Almanac. Or you can purchase the chart for download here:
You can find the current day’s Moon’s astrological sign here:
Today (2/24/16) it is in Virgo.
Hope this helps!
Been reading Old Farmer's Almanac for forty years. Someone nicked my 2015 issue so I had to go online!
Which tribes called it " the hunger moon " and which tribes did not ?
Our sources say that the Algonquin tribe sometimes used this name. The Choctaw used a similar name, "Little Famine Moon." The Osage used the "Hunger Moon" name instead for the first full Moon of their year.
You are all over the news today! I buy the Almanac at Hennings mkt in PA, and luv your garden calendar with the beautiful art. Main stream media is shocked you rightly called the colder winter 2014 and our gov experts did not. Saw an article that said it was dubious back in Aug!
Find myself exploring your website and there is so much more! Thank you and keep up the outstanding work OFA of NH, not to be confused the FA in ME right, :)
At the beginning of Feb. I saw an article that showed various moons, one was just the circumference, which I don't believe I have ever seen. Now I cannot find it, is there such a moon?