
The Man of Signs: What are Signs in the Body?

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the man of signs, zodiac signs in the body parts
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Zodiac Signs in the Knees, Feet, Head, and More!

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Ancient astrologers believed that each astrological sign of the zodiac influenced a specific part of the body, i.e., the sign of the feet, the sign of the knees, the sign of the head, etc. The Man of Signs was created to represent this belief visually. Learn more.

From the beginning, the editors calculated the Old Farmer’s Almanac based on astronomy, not astrology. Founder Robert B. Thomas included a yearly table with the names and symbols of the zodiac signs. This was similar to how we include astrology pages in every edition—after each sign is a body part: Virgo, belly; Sagittarius, thighs; Capricorn, knees, and so forth.

Early Almanac readers were very familiar with “The Man of Signs.” Before someone had a diseased arm bled, for instance, he or she wanted to be sure that the Moon was located in Gemini (Gemini is in charge of the arms). Along with the signs, or separate from them, the phases of the Moon were used to determine the most propitious times for various activities: weaning a baby, planting certain vegetables, quitting smoking, making sauerkraut—you name it. Find out which sign the Moon is in today.

The Man of Signs was not just a mere superstition for the early Almanac readers. It was a trusted guide that they consulted before undertaking any important task. Whether it was planting crops or starting a new venture, they believed that aligning their actions with the stars’ positions and the moon’s phases would bring them good fortune.

For instance, if someone wanted to wean their baby, they would wait for the Moon to be in the sign of Cancer, as it was believed to influence nurturing and growth positively. Similarly, if someone wanted to quit smoking, they would look for a time when the Moon was waning, as it was thought to support letting go and breaking bad habits.

The Man of Signs also played a role in everyday activities. If someone wanted to make sauerkraut, they would consult the Almanac to find the best time when the Moon was in a sign associated with digestion, such as Virgo. They believed this would enhance the fermentation process and result in a tastier batch of sauerkraut.

The Almanac readers deeply understood the connection between celestial bodies and earthly matters. They saw the signs of the Zodiac and the phases of the Moon as powerful forces that could profoundly influence their lives. By following the guidance of The Man of Signs, they felt a sense of harmony with the universe and a greater chance of success in their endeavors.

Although some in modern society may view these practices as mere folklore, it is fascinating to delve into the rich history of astrology and its impact on people’s lives. The Man of Signs reminds us of a time when people looked to the skies for guidance and found solace in the belief that the universe held the answers to their questions.

How to Follow the Man of Signs

The first sign of the zodiac—Aries—is attributed to the head, with the rest of the signs moving down the body, ending with Pisces at the feet. 

Consult the chart below to see which body parts are associated with which signs and dates. According to astrology, it is considered a poor time to do an activity that involves the given body part within the associated range of dates. For example, because Aries is connected to the head, it would be considered unfavorable to have an eye examination during Aries (March 21 to April 20).

Please Note: The Old Farmer’s Almanac does not give medical advice. Consult with a medical professional before making any decisions related to your health or the health of loved ones.

The man of signs, showing the location of each zodiac sign in the bodythe dates, sign, and location of each zodiac sign
SignSymbolBody Part
























Just as in Thomas’s time, Almanac readers today use our astronomical data and astrological tables to determine the timing of various events. The astrological Best Days (to do things) advice continues to be one of the most popular features and traditional practices of the Almanac, as do the dates of Mercury Retrograde.

About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann

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