
A 1,224-pound cupcake, baked by...

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A 1,224-pound cupcake, baked by Ryan Abood, from Manchester, New Hampshire, was entered in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world’s largest cupcake/fairy cake. Guinness representative Carl Saville inspected the cupcake, making sure that it met several criteria: it must be edible, cooked throughout, and resemble a cupcake. The cupcake was 4 feet tall and 10 feet wide. About 200 pounds of flour, 200 pounds of sugar, 200 pounds of butter and oil, and 1,000 eggs were used. It was baked in a specially designed 8 ft. x 8 ft. x 10 ft. oven for about 8 1/2 hours. The cupcake judging took place at an event in Royal Oak, Michigan. The attempt had been for a 7,000-pound cupcake, but due to a malfunction in baking equipment, a smaller version was hurriedly put together overnight for the Guinness event.