
Is this the year for an infestation...

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Is this the year for an infestation of the 17-year periodical cicada in Pennsylvania?
There were infestations in different parts of Pennsylvania in 1982 and 1985, so you should check this Web site — http://www.eeb.uconn.edu/cicadadb.html — which features a database for expected infestations around the country. The 17-year cicadas are found in the United States east of the Great Plains. These insects are called 17-year periodicals because they live for 17 years as nymphs, feeding on sap from tree roots 18 to 24 inches underground in wooded and forested areas. The nymphs emerge all at once in late May and June; climb tree trunks, posts, or poles; and turn into flying adults in about an hour. Adults live for 5 to 6 weeks, mating and laying eggs in trees and shrubs. The eggs hatch, and the nymphs fall to the ground, then burrow and find a tree root to eat for the next 17 years. When they emerge, the β€œsinging” of the males can be deafening, especially since some swarms can include up to 1.5 million bugs per acre!