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What can you tell me about the Chautauqua movement?
The Chautauqua movement began on the western shore of Chautauqua Lake in western New York State. In 1873, Rev. John Heyl Vincent and Lewis Miller proposed expanding religious revival meetings to include secular instruction. The Chautauqua Institution, founded in 1874, offered programs in the humanities, sciences, and arts, with visiting speakers such as authors, explorers, scientists, musicians, and political leaders, as well as various forms of entertainment. Thousands of people attended the meetings. Out of the original idea sprang smaller groups in other locations, as well as correspondence courses for home study groups and individuals. By 1912, the movement had taken on a more commercial bent, and traveling lecturers and entertainers were organized. The traveling circuit continued for about twelve years, but the Chautauqua Institution is still going strong today.