
What was the longest song ever recorded...

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What was the longest song ever recorded and how long was it?

As of 2023, Guinness World Records states that the longest officially released song was “Shri Ram Charit Manas” by Dr Pillai. The song is a whooping 138 hours, 41 minutes, and 20 seconds long, becoming the longest officially released song ever.

Prior to this, the record was held by the song, “The Rise and Fall of Bossanova,” by PC III, which lasts 13 hours, 23 minutes, and 32 seconds.

The longest recorded pop song is “Apparente Libertà,” by Giancarlo Ferrari, which is 76 minutes, 44 seconds long. This surpassed the previous record of “The Devil Glitch,” by Chris Butler, which is 69 minutes long.”