
Gardening "To Do" Tips by Month for Niles, IL

Set out broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower transplants for your fall garden.
Pinch herbs such as mint, oregano, and savory.
Remember to continuously harvest your fruits and vegetables to prolong growth and production and avoid attracting pests.
Stake tall plants to help give them support and to prevent damage from the wind or rain.
Harvest summer squash when it’s young and tender (8 inches).
Continue to plant crops such as beans and sweet corn successively to ensure a continuous harvest.
Newly planted trees and shrubs need one to two thorough soakings per week and lawns need 1 to 1.5 inches of water per week. Soak, don’t sprinkle.
Prevent weeds from seeding; this will mean fewer weeds next year. Pull weeds as they grow and use mulch in your flower beds to prevent them from sprouting.
Annuals and perennials can be planted at any time to fill in blank spaces in the garden.
After broccoli head is harvested, the plant continues to grow side shoots.
Lightly fertilize tomatoes and peppers. Don’t over-fertilize.
Water your plants early in the morning or late in the day to reduce the water lost to evaporation.
When there is less than an inch of rain in a week, water extra.
Fertilize your container plants with a water-soluble solution every 2 weeks.
Remove any dead flowers from your annuals and perennials to encourage new growth.
Remember to inspect all your plants for any insect or disease damage; treat plants when necessary.
Slugs? Put out shallow dishes of beer; handpick in the early morning.
Cover your fruit trees and shrubs with netting to prevent birds from damaging the fruit.
Start sowing vegetable seeds for your fall garden: carrots, beets, turnips, collards, Chinese cabbage, snap beans, radish, kohlrabi, endive, kale, rutabagas, and summer squashes.
Gardening Climate Regions