Daily Calendar for Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Question of the Day

How can I remove mold from my bathroom ceiling and keep it from coming back? I’ve tried bleach and water with no luck.
Buy a commercial cleaner with a mildew remover and clean the area thoroughly. Make sure it dries completely. Then (we hate to say this), you’ll have to repaint. Use a paint that contains an additive that fights mildew. A hardware store or paint store can advise you on this. Finally, eliminate the moist and humid conditions that allow mildew to thrive. Make sure your bathroom has adequate ventilation, and install a fan if you don’t already have one.

Advice of the Day

When a camel is at the foot of the mountain, then judge his height.

Home Hint of the Day

To stain decorative barn boards, wet the area you want to color and rub in wood ashes until you get the shade of gray you desire.

Word of the Day

The fear of rain

Puzzle of the Day

When do 2 and 2 make more than 4?
When they make 22.


  • Annie Jump Cannon (cataloged over 225,000 stars) –
  • Alexander Solzhenitsyn (novelist) –
  • Brenda Lee (singer) –
  • Terri Garr (actress) –
  • Susan Seidelman (director of film) –
  • Bess Armstrong (actress) –
  • William Joyce (author) –
  • Gary Dourdan (actor) –
  • Mos Def (actor & rap artist) –
  • Rider Strong (actor) –


  • Sam Cooke (singer) –
  • Benton MacKaye (American conservationist) –
  • Andre Braugher (actor) –


  • One of earliest recorded sightings of northern lights in North America–
  • Edward Bevan’s venetian blinds patented, London, England–
  • Indiana is admitted to the Union as the 19th state–
  • Bijou Theater, first in the United States to be lit by electricity, opened in Boston, Massachusetts–
  • First public demonstration in U.S. of colored moving pictures, New York City–
  • Monument to the boll weevil, which had forced farmers to diversify, erected in Enterprise, Alabama–
  • The Bank of the United States in New York failed, one of many signs of the looming depression–
  • The Statute of Westminster was the last of the Imperial Acts of the Parliament of Great Britain applicable to all the Dominions. It granted Canada, Newfoundland, New Zealand, Australia, the Union of South Africa and the Irish Free State what amounted to independence–
  • British King Edward VIII abdicated throne to marry Wallis Simpson–
  • George VI became King of England after his brother abdicated the throne–
  • The Chesterfield Supper Club, featuring Perry Como, among others, debuted on the radio–
  • United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) was established by the United Nations General Assembly–
  • Joe DiMaggio retired from baseball after 13 seasons with the NY Yankees–


  • 2.1 inches rain fell in Vancouver, British Columbia–
  • Arctic cold took over central and eastern U.S.–
  • Dec. 11-12: Ice storm hit the Northeast–