Daily Calendar for Sunday, December 22, 2024

Question of the Day

Where did the term “cardinal sin” originate?
A cardinal sin is the same as a deadly sin, a product of early Christian monasticism and Saint Gregory the Great of the late sixth century. The seven deadly sins are vainglory (pride), covetousness, lust, envy, gluttony, anger, and sloth. They were classified as “deadly” not only because they were serious moral offenses but also because they frequently resulted in the commission of other sins. These days, “cardinal sin” is popularly used for any major sin.

Advice of the Day

One today is worth two tomorrows. —Poor Richard’s Almanack, 1757

Home Hint of the Day

If a kerosene lamp smokes a lot, try adding 2 to 3 tablespoons of salt to the kerosene.

Word of the Day

Means “snowcapped” in Spanish

Puzzle of the Day

What is lengthened by being cut at both ends?
A ditch


  • Giacomo Puccini (composer)
  • Edwin Arlington Robinson (poet)
  • Grote Reber (American astronomer)
  • Claudia "Lady Bird" Johnson (U.S. First Lady)
  • Diane Sawyer (journalist)
  • Ralph Fiennes (actor)
  • Lauralee Bell (actress)
  • Jordin Sparks (singer; season 6 American Idol winner)


  • George Eliot (writer)
  • Ferdinand V. Hayden (geologist)
  • Beatrix Potter (author)
  • Samuel Beckett (writer)
  • Joe Strummer (singer)


  • Construction began for first schoolhouse west of Allegheny Mountains, in Schoenbrunn, Ohio
  • Continental Fleet was organized by the rebellious American colonies under the command of Esek Hopkins
  • American Bicycling Journal first published
  • Edward Johnson, an associate of Thomas Edison, created the first string of Christmas tree lights
  • A magnitude 6.5 earthquake hit the central California coast


  • Lake-effect snows brought a heavy storm to Turin, New York