Moon Phase Compatibility: What the Moon Reveals About Your Relationships

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Moon Phase Soulmate
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Find Your Moon Phase Soulmate

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Have you ever heard the term “soul mate” and wondered if this applies to you and your partner? Or do you struggle to compromise and assume you’re too different to make it work? Get some insight into your personality by looking at which Moon phase you were born under! 

The Moon plays a significant role in our emotional lives and can offer clues to how we connect with others. Once you understand your natal Moon, which is the position of the Moon at the time of your birth, as well as your partner’s, you can learn to meet each other’s needs. 

  • For example, if your loved one has a Moon in Cancer, they’ll be sensitive and need reassurance. 
  • A Moon in Aries person might want spicy interactions and daily adventures! 

While the astrological sign associated with your Moon is important, the lunar phase also plays a part.

engaged couple
Photo Credit: MikeLeDray

What Is a Soul Mate?

Having a soulmate is an ancient notion. The Greek philosopher Plato (c. 428-347 BC) described humans as split in half, which is why people talk about looking for their “second half.” 

In the Jewish tradition, there is a concept of a “first soul mate” (zivug rishon), a “second soul mate,” and a third one, etc. There is no one soulmate to find contentment. In this article, however, we aren’t looking at a religious definition but simply at the broader definition of compatibility.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a soulmate is “A person who shares a deep understanding or bond with another, esp. one ideally suited to another as a lover or spouse.”  

Soul mates share a special bond based on mutual understanding. Keep in mind that a soulmate doesn’t have to be romantic. It can be a best friend or even a pet! 

What Is a Lunar Phase?

There are eight Moon phases. Each Moon phase lends a different vibe to your personality. For example, folks born under a full Moon tend to be intense and will devote their whole selves to making a relationship work. 

Learning the lunar phase personalities can help you understand how you and your partner relate (or don’t). 

See the Almanac’s Moon Phase Calendar to learn more. Credit: Elena11

Moon Phase Calculator

How do you find your Moon phase—the one that fits your emotional profile? According to Sara McCormick, who has a wonderful podcast, “What’s Your Moon Phase Personality?”, there are a couple of ways to do this. 

“The easiest is to use a Moon Phase Calculator like this one. You can also get a rough idea of which Moon phase you were born under if you know your Sun sign and Moon sign, but it’s not as accurate, so the calculator is the best way to go.”

New Moon 

If you’re born under a new Moon, you’ll tend to take risks in relationships. You adore the beginning when everything begins to blossom. The first kiss, date, or night together is your favorite part. Because new experiences are essential to you, you can quickly grow bored when routines set in. You need change and a partner who can provide new experiences. 

Waxing Crescent

Unlike new Noon folks, those born under a waxing crescent Moon prefer stability. This means you’re less likely to take risks. Instead, you seek the sure bet. At times, you can be insecure, so you need more reassurance than other folks. You’ll stay with a partner who is attentive to your emotional needs and provides security. If you can overcome your self-doubt, you’ll find true security. 

First Quarter

Born under a quarter Moon? You’re adventurous, which means you need plenty of space to do your thing. You don’t like having your wings clipped, so you don’t do well with possessive types. If you have freedom, you’ll stick around. But if you feel hemmed in, you’ll be looking for the exit. Because you like excitement, you always tend to be wherever the action is. You’re also adept at taking action when a crisis erupts. (Psst…sometimes you create drama just to have something to solve.) You rarely back down from a fight but sometimes jump in too quickly.

Waxing Gibbous

If you’re born under a gibbous Moon, you do not like surprises. Instead, you prefer a plan. You’re analytical, shrewd, and intensely aware of your feelings. Because this is the phase before the full Moon, you may feel as if you’re constantly on the verge of something. This could lead to micromanaging the future instead of letting things play out. While planning may bring a sense of control, it’s better to find healthy ways to deal with underlying anxiety, the root cause of your need to supervise every detail of your emotional life. You’re excellent at forging connections and supporting others, a combo that bodes well for long-term partnerships for romance or business.

Full Moon

Full Moon folks are deeply emotional, intuitive, and open-hearted. When you’re in a relationship, you don’t hold back. You dive right in. The urge to merge means you’re willing to be vulnerable. When you’re comfortable with a partner, you will bravely reveal your soft inner side. Relationships can become all-consuming. When that happens, you lose your sense of self. Learn how to give it your all without giving away your agency. 

Waning Gibbous (Disseminating)

You enjoy sharing your life with someone. Therefore, you’re a good bet for a long-term commitment. Although you make a fine partner, it’s also important to keep outside interests front and center. This will provide balance in your partnerships. You’re highly intellectual, a perpetual student who loves sharing what you learn with others. Some folks born under this lunar phase become teachers or mentors.

Last Quarter

You tend to go with the flow of life. Rather than holding on, you’re excellent at letting go. This means you can forgive and forget, even when you’ve been disappointed by a loved one. However, you’re able to cut ties if a relationship turns toxic. Your compassionate nature may put you in the center of other people’s drama. At times, you’re the one responsible for the chaos. It’s vital for you to have solitude and rest, especially after a fight. At times, you love to be around others…but sometimes, you prefer your own company.

Waning Crescent (Balsamic)

You’re intense and a bit rebellious. This means your personal life can be like a soap opera with plenty of twists and turns. Many of your relationships have a karmic component to them. That feeling like “I’ve known you before” may indicate a past life connection. Knowing when to release and go your own way could be a recurring theme. When you are able to create closure, you can make space for someone who appreciates your tempestuous nature. 

Although there are eight lunar phases, keep in mind that eclipses add an extra layer of intensity to new Moon and full Moon personalities. If you’re born on or near an eclipse, you are here to shake things up, which means you’re not the easiest person to live with. You must find a way to ground and center; otherwise, your unpredictable temperament risks bringing chaos into your partnerships. That being said, it’s never a dull moment!

Moon Phase Compatibility

Understanding your Moon phase is a crucial step in navigating relationships. It provides valuable insights that can help you build stronger, more harmonious connections.

A trend on TikTok states that if you and your partner’s Moon phases form a visual full Moon, you’re soulmates and destined to be together. (You can try this out by going to TikTok and typing in “Moon Phase Test.”) 

However, TikTokers claim that if you share the same phase, such as two new Moons, you’re “twin flames.” Twin flames are considered a once-in-a-lifetime partner. Although this sounds incredibly romantic, this concept is a recent New Age phenomenon and a bit controversial because it sometimes encourages or excuses toxic behavior.  While this TikTok trend may be fun and harmless, it’s not an accurate way to determine your compatibility or the depth of your connection.

Sharing Moon Phases

When it comes to shared Moon phases, Sara McCormick explains, “You might think that having the same Moon phase as your partner would make for smooth sailing, but it can also create some rough waves. In astrology, the Moon represents our emotions, which means it can point to what we need emotionally as we move through our day.  

Folks with the same Moon phase might need the same thing, which could cause a clash. Let’s say you need to decompress at the end of the day by sharing, but so does your partner. If you haven’t done the work to communicate some ground rules, you may both end up talking over each other! A simple boundary around who talks first and for how long helps you both get what you need to refill your cup.”

Different Moon Phases

If your Moon phases are radically different, don’t assume that means you’re star-crossed. “They say opposites attract!” McCormick states. She adds, “Disagreements communicated in a healthy way can broaden your viewpoint and strengthen your connection. The key here is to recognize your emotional needs and communicate what you need, even if that means some compromise.”

Yes, Moon phases can help you find more compatible partners. However, no matter what lunar phase you or your partner may have, the path to a healthy relationship lies in your willingness to work together. That means listening, respecting each other’s emotional needs, and creating trust through strong communication. 

Finding your Moon Phase compatibility can help you reflect on healthy relationships. This is just one way—among countless ways—to determine compatibility.

About The Author

Theresa Reed

Theresa Reed, aka The Tarot Lady, is a tarot reader, author, and educator. Read More from Theresa Reed

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