A simple shampoo recipe without castile soap!
maybe lemon juice + water could be used as a rinse, if one doesn't like vinegar~
Thanks so much for impacting us with your knowledge and time you spend to do research we appreciate. serum products for face
I've been doing this for years and it does work great.
I'd like to try this, but I'm unclear - do you wet your hair first, or just pour the baking soda mixture through dry hair?
Yes, your hair should be wet before you apply the mixture!
Just did my long grey hair with the soda and vinegar. Wow. So clean. Used white vinegar as my locks grab color from everything! Thanks. Never paying $20-30 a bottle for grey hair shampoo
Not being able to pronounce an ingredient is not evidence that it's harmful. You will probably not be able to pronounce fully a half of the ingredients in your blood.
Also, "toxin" has a specific biological definition. It does not mean "poison."
I used vinegar frequently for a hair rinse, told my haircutter about it, how nice it made my hair feel and manage, and she said to be cautious because it breaks down the hair and eventually could cause some problem. so maybe use it less often...
Thank you very much (Tudah Rbah). I asked the Creator to help me rid my house of pharmacea. I asked Yah about what to use to wash my hair. I hadn't used shampoo for years and was using bee honey. But I learned bee honey is from an unclean insect; we are not made to ingest this. The men who call themselves rabbis say it is ok. But I follow only AHhD RB, HaMSHYHh (only One Rabbi, the Messiah). After asking Yah to help me on this, He told me (through the RYH HaQodesh) to use a cleaning agent (borax) and a grease-cutting agent (lemon juice). I thank you for your input. Know the real Name of the Creator is Yah (short version). When we say HaLLUYaH, we are saying , "the highest praise to Yah," in Hebrew. The Name as told to Mose is Hayah asher Hayah is His Name sandwiching the word asher, which means blessed. Hayah means Breath of Life, worship, Breath of Everlasting Life. We are to do the 7 appointed times, as written of in Leviticus/Wayyiqra 23, but no more animal sacrifices. Shalom UAhabah (peace and love) from our home to yours.
However John the baptist survived on locust and wild honey.