Canker Sore Causes and Treatment
Vitamin B-Complex supplementation; or eating foods high a Vitamin B2; (dairy); helps alleviate canker-symptoms:
well thanks for sharing the tips ,i will try this at home . These are really good remedies for canker sores.
Years ago you would use Tincture of Violet from the drug store. It worked then and should work now. But don't know if they still have it at the drug counter.
Several European friends told me that gargling with or just swooshing Sunflower Seed Oil in the mouth is a perfect remedy for canker sores. They were right - it never fails to work! Especially good just before going to sleep after your dental hygiene routine. The sunflower seed oil has a pleasant nutty taste.
Using Oils as a "mouth wash cure" is known as "Oil Pulling"; any type of oil works; you gargle with the oil for about 5 minutes; "gets germs"; they say Canker is not caused by a germ; however; I got some bad canker sores solely by shaking someone hand is how I got had them!;
I read the comments; I would go with "Oils; Vitamins; Lysine; "cankerbegone.com: which is basically Herbal extracts including "Goldenseal";
Goldenseal is "the Mother of Herbs";(imo); interesting !!!
This works really well, but initially will give a brief burning sensation. Swish some Listerine, or equivalent in your mouth and keep it up until the burning mostly subsides. When you get through that, the sores will stop hurting and will heal very quickly. Yes, there's a bit of pain involved, but it will immediately neutralize the outbreak and you will be very glad you did this.
Regarding Silver Nitrate. My mom used to use Silver Nitrate (liquid, applied by Q-Tip) on our canker sores. It always worked. The problem is that if you get it on your teeth, it will turn your teeth black. So we had to keep our lips away from our teeth until the Nitrate "dried" so it wouldn't discolor our teeth.
It's a product you're more likely to find in a health food store or online. It's a soft pocket size balm stick. you use your finger tip to swipe some off the stick and apply to sore inside mouth. Heals very quickly, overnight, for some perhaps 2 days. It really works like nothing else. Doesn't hurt or taste bad. Won't work if the mouth ulcer from acidic food or Crohns Disease. www.cankersoresbegone.com
I always use tums. Take one and let it dissolve on the sore. It hurts but then heals within a day or 2. I used to get them so bad they would go down my throat and I couldn't eat. Take a tablespoon of Mylanta and swish and swallow it about 15 min before eating and it numbs your mouth.