Blue Potatoes: Plant an Easy-to-Grow Heirloom in the Spring


All Blue Potatoes: Organic, Non-GMO, Heirloom

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Why blue potatoes? Why not? First, THIS is what potatoes looked like originally, when first used for food about 10,000 years ago. Their blue color gives them the antioxidant power of kale and spinach and—let’s face it—they taste better and are fun to eat. Grow these blue heirloom beauties—or, find them in your market!

I planted my first All Blue potato back in 1990. I’ve been hooked ever since. Who doesn’t love to mash blue potatoes?

As a kid, I hated potatoes. My Mom cooked mashed potatoes with the consistency of wallpaper paste. Adulthood wasn’t much better; I even avoided French fries. Children changed the equation; I needed to set a positive example. A seed catalog arrived one spring with photos of vivid blue-skinned potatoes. The flesh was blue, too. I thought my son would eat them out of curiosity. I was really projecting my own potato problems because he was already a fan of French fries and baked potatoes.

Blue and purple pigments developed as mechanisms to shield tubers from excessive levels of ultraviolet light found at high altitudes. Tubers exposed to direct sunlight turns green, which indicates large amounts of solanine, a compound that sickens humans. All potatoes contain tiny amounts of solanine, but green portions contain toxic amounts. The first potatoes grew in crevices and rocky outcroppings where the soil is very shallow. Developing tubers had only a scant layer of dirt to cover them, so purple and blue pigments evolved over time as a natural sunshade.

Any potato is easy to grow, and All Blues are even easier, as they seem to resist fungal diseases. I place tubers on top of a garden bed that has been enriched with compost and a bit of soil sulfur. Potatoes develop scab in alkaline soils (6.0 to 6.5 pH is ideal), and my ground is 7.2 pH. So I add sulfur to acidify the soil. I use whole tubers, instead of cutting them into chunks, as many gardeners do. I feel I’m avoiding a rot problem, as early spring in my area is cold and wet.

All Blue is just one of the heirloom potatoes I grow.  Red Cranberry and Russian Banana Fingerling are both as colorful and tasty.

After spacing the potatoes about 12 inches apart in every direction, I cover the bed with about a foot of straw. That’s all I do. Other easy techniques are to grow potatoes in a wire cage above the ground or in grow bags.

You can start harvesting baby or “new” potatoes when plants flower. And, yes, their flowers are blue, too!

Blue Potato Tips

  • Plants survive temperatures down to 15ÂşF with little or no protection. Place a double layer of newspaper over plants when freezes threaten and foliage is still actively growing.
  • Blue Potatoes are now organically grown in the U.S.A., are complete non-GMO, and a source of excellent nutrition.
  • Blue fleshed potatoes have more vitamins and antioxidants than white potatoes. They have as much anti-oxidant power as Brussels sprouts, kale and spinach.
  • All Blue potatoes have a moist texture and are perfect for mashed or fried potatoes. Add a dash of vinegar to maintain the bright blue coloring, as it will fade otherwise.
  • Microwave to retain the blue color, or steam potatoes just to the point of tenderness. Baking, boiling, and stewing will fade colors slightly.

What do you think about the All Blue Potato?  Please share your comments—and any questions—by posting below!

About The Author

Doreen G. Howard

Doreen Howard, an award-winning author, is the former garden editor at Woman’s Day. She has gardened in every climate zone from California to Texas to Oklahoma to the Midwest. She’s especially fond of unusual houseplants and heirloom edibles. Read More from Doreen G. Howard

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