Planting, Growing, and Caring for Delphinium
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Well said. Snarky answers show not only the poor character of the sender, but often his or her ignoranceas well.
I love onions and chocolate. I won't give either to my dog. I love cinnamon and mint essential oils, but I won't diffuse them near my rabbits. Not every creature is the same.
Kindness always makes one seem wise. Rudeness tends to reveal the opposite.
Delphiniums are starting to grow nicely, however, noticing a shiny look to some of the leaves. Is that a sign of some disease.
A shiny residue on leaves could indicate that slugs or aphids are present. Check out our pest pages for information about dealing with them!
Thank you for your very helpful information regarding delphiniums
I live in Massachusetts. I bought some seeds this winter and am now nervous about planting them. Are Delphinium harmful to the local wildlife? Birds, pollinators, squirrels, bunnies, etc?
Delphinium are only harmful if ingested, so rabbits and deer would be most likely to be affected. Generally, these animals will only take a nibble of the plant (not enough to harm the animal) and then be turned off by the unpleasant taste. If these grazers visit your garden regularly, consider covering the delphinium while they’re young (and most toxic) or planting them in a container that can be placed out of reach.
No they aren’t only harmful if digested you can’t touch them they can cause skin irritation all parts of Delphiums are poisonous
to: Submitted by Ann Legere on June 16, 2020 - 12:39pm
I am not sure about Lupins, but I can say I had a deer come through my flower bed. Ate all the tops out of my fuschias, roses(of course), crocosmias, violets, but didn't touch my delphiniums which were only a couple feet away.
Can you me if deer are attracted or will eat Lupins or Delphiniums? Thank you for any info you can give me. Ann Legere
Both plant are considered deer-resistant and good choices in gardens without fencing. (Just keep in mind: NO plant is truly deer-resistant if deer are hungry enough; however, some plants are more resistant than others.)