My 1st time trying I followed directions to a "T"! After 24 hours my batch is still very liquidy, not sure how to thicken. Any advise?
Can this be processed via water bath or pressure canning to make it shelf stable? TIA
Is this recipe safe for water bath canning?
I will make Dandelion Tea as a Solar Tea; Blossoms in water; mason jar; put in sun for 4 hours for Dandy Tea;
At the beginning of the recipe you say to put dandelions in a large pot and boil. Does large pot mean much water, or just the 1 1/2 cups you have in the ingredients?
Good question. You add the petals and the 1-1/2 cup water to the pot. The petals should be covered in water. If this is not enough water, add a little more, enough to cover.
Just wondering if it tastes like syrup or does it have a green taste to it from the dandelions?
It taste wonderful! A light floral flavor similar to many honeys made from flowering plants. Maybe a bit nutty? A bit lighter than honey in texture. It is important to remove green stem and flower head base, and use just the petals. The base of the flower head contains a bitter liquid. You don’t want that bitterness to ruin the flavor. So as long as you do that, no, it doesn’t have a green taste at all.
Love it