I came in to read my mail, having just put up some watermelon rind pickle! Nice surprise to see this article and read others' comments on their recipes. My grandmother used no specific measurements, just proportions. If she couldn't get Lilly Lime, she'd used 1/3 cup of salt in 3 cups of water to soak the pealed and diced rind for 10 hours to break down the harder plant fibers. Then It goes into a water bath for several hours - 3 or 4 -to leech out the extra saltiness. Rinse well with clear water and place in a saucepan with water to cover an inch or two above the rind. Start with a cup of apple cider vinegar and 2 cups granulated sugar. Toss in a tablespoon of cloves, a couple of cinnamon sticks and a bit of allspice - maybe a teasp. of the whole berries. Let it come to a boil and add the rinsed rind. Bring to a boil again and then decrease heat to simmer. Keep an eye on this - it cooks down fast. When the melon pieces are fork tender and translucent you can can and water-bath the whole shebang or put it into a clean jar, cool and store int he refrigerator. We eat it year round, and every couple of months I make a new large batch.
i pickled the rine, pealed, in lime water vernight; then cooked in bvinagar and sugar. hot packed them; did not looe any.
This looks like it will produce a mushy pickle. My grandmother's recipe is this: peel and trim rind, cut into cubes. Put into deep acid resistant pot and add the pickling brine of 1/2 cider vinegar and 1/2 white sugar (better color). Add to brine cinnamon stick, slices of fresh ginger, cloves, red pepper flakes and quickly bring all to a boil. Immediately remove from heat and remove lid to quick cool. Put in fridge overnight. Do same next two days. Cubes should be a greenish translucent color, very crunchy, ready to eat. To process, skip last day of boiling. These are not the velvety soft pickles many people love, but more like crunchy bread and butter pickles.