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Weather Forecast for Madison, WV
Current Weather Conditions
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Temperature31°F | Feels Like22°F |
Humidity82% | WindNNW 10 mph |
Pressure29 in | Visibility2 mi |
Conditions at Charleston |
Weather Forecast
33°F | Light snow this morning will yield to a mostly cloudy sky this afternoon. High 33F. Winds NNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 90%. |
19°F | Partly cloudy skies. Low 19F. Winds light and variable. |
33°F | Generally sunny. High 33F. Winds light and variable. |
Tomorrow night
23°F | Mostly clear. Low 23F. Winds light and variable. |
49°F | A few clouds from time to time. High 49F. Winds light and variable. |
Monday night
35°F | Cloudy. Low near 35F. Winds light and variable. |
46°F | Overcast. High 46F. Winds light and variable. |
Tuesday night
36°F | Mostly cloudy. Low 36F. Winds light and variable. |
54°F | Cloudy. High 54F. Winds light and variable. |
Wednesday night
39°F | Mostly cloudy skies early, then partly cloudy after midnight. Low 39F. Winds light and variable. |