What is a Labyrinth Garden?

Labyrinth Ariel View
Photo Credit
Pedro Tavares Lopes

How to Plant a Labyrinth Garden

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Labyrinth gardens are meant as places for personal contemplation and renewal. See pictures of our outdoor labyrinth garden—and learn more about this increasingly popular “healing garden.”

What is a Labyrinth?

In a labyrinth, you follow a curving pathway that winds to a center. It is NOT a maze, which has false paths and dead ends. Labyrinths are not designed to be difficult to navigate. Once at the center, you simply take the same path out.

Labyrinths have existed for centuries and may be best known from Greek mythology, which includes the tale of the architect Daedalus creating a labyrinth as a way to keep a monster—the Minotaur—from eating the children of Athens.

In the Middle Ages, labyrinths were often made on the floors of religious buildings. One of the most ancient labyrinths is built right into the floor of the Chartres Cathedral in France; it was meant to provide a meditative journey for body and spirit.

Today, labyrinths have experienced a resurgence of interest. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have found that walking a labyrinth can lower the breathing rate, blood pressure, and chronic pain as well as reduce stress levels and anxiety.

They are being built at hospitals, local churches, wellness centers, playgrounds, and prisons.

If you’d like to see if there is a labyrinth near you, here is a worldwide “Labyrinth Locator.”

Planting a Garden Labyrinth

My mother-in-law created her own garden labyrinth using ornamental grasses and flowers.

She was inspired after she and her sister took a trip to Missouri to visit a labyrinth designed on a prairie.

Returning to their horse ranch in rural Ohio, she laid down rope in a “left-hand chakra” design, planting warm-season grasses along the rope’s edge. However, the spring was very wet, and the plants didn’t take.

That fall, she replanted, setting out hundreds of real plants in a labyrinth path with 8 feet between the pots—as you can see in the picture below.

Unfortunately, all of the plants died! After this dismaying experience, she decided to take a different approach. (In gardening, we try, try again!)

The following spring, she prepared the soil so that it was not too compact, and she simply spread seed—all native grasses this time. She also mixed in different biennial wildflowers. They took!

Here is a photo from summertime:

The design is set up for the size of their mower—and they mow the paths regularly whenever they mow the lawn. Eventually, she says that the ornamental grasses will kill off the flowers; they grow quite tall to provide that peace and quiet.

Here is an aerial view of the ranch and labyrinth design (next to the big barn):

Here’s my son walking the labyrinth in early June (with our dog, Vesper).


The experience of walking the labyrinth is so relaxing, especially as you are amid nature—with the sight, sound, smell, and touch of the plants, birds, and butterflies.

It’s almost as if you’ve entered into a hidden world away from the “chatter” of everyday life. You can simply reflect, release any tensions, and rejuvenate.

Below is a photo of the labyrinth in late summer. You can barely see over the grasses and in a hidden world now.

At the center of the labyrinth is a bench and a surprise fairy garden!




Below is my son coming out of the labyrinth after winding his way back.


In the fall, the grasses start to brown and die down. They are burned to the ground on a very wet winter’s day and the ground rests until spring.

I hope you’ve enjoyed this meander into the world of labyrinths. Your comments and musings are welcome!

About The Author

Catherine Boeckmann

Catherine Boeckmann loves nature, stargazing, and gardening so it’s not surprising that she and The Old Farmer’s Almanac found each other. She leads digital content for the Almanac website, and is also a certified master gardener in the state of Indiana. Read More from Catherine Boeckmann