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2025 Calendar

Welcome to The Old Farmer’s Almanac’s Calendar with 2025 holidays. This calendar is MORE than it appears! Click on the dates below and you’ll find out everything that happened that day—who was born, who died, and big events! Plus, discover our question of the day, daily advice, a fun puzzle, and the word of the day. 

And if you enjoy calendar wit and wisdom, take a peek the Almanac calendars: four gorgeous wall calendars, our everyday tear-off desk calendar, and a beautiful planner and appointment book. Which one’s your favorite?

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Reveal what’s behind each day! Click the date above!

Upcoming Holidays and Observances
Full Worm Moon
Ember Days
Ides of March
Ember Days
St. Urho's Day
Evacuation Day (Suffolk County, Massachussets)
St. Patrick's Day
Vernal Equinox
Annunciation or Lady Day
Borrowing Days
Mothering Sunday
April Fools' Day
Month of April
Full Pink Moon
Passover Begins
Thomas Jefferson's Birthday
Palm Sunday
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake
Orthodox Easter
Easter Sunday
Patriots Day
Earth Day
Robert B. Thomas's Birthday
National Arbor Day
May Day
Month of May
Kentucky Derby
Cinco de Mayo
Truman Day (Missouri)
Three Chilly Saints
Mother's Day
Full Flower Moon
Armed Forces Day
Victoria Day (Canada)
St. Dunstan's Day
National Maritime Day (United States)
Memorial Day
Shavuot Begins