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This Week's Amazing Sky

Planet Mercury is odd in so many ways; it’s hard to find aspects that aren’t strange. What color is Mercury, really? And does it have the hottest surface temperature? See 10 fun facts about the smallest planet in our solar system. 10 Facts about Planet MercuryMercury’s orbit may be nearest to the Sun, so you’d think it was also the hottest planet. Nope! It’s the second hottest…
Seen any shooting stars lately? Worried about being clobbered by a meteor? Let’s talk about the chances of a meteor hitting Earth—and one of us!For reasons no one can explain, meteors are mostly crammed into the final 5 months of the year. The most famous is the Perseids, which peak in August. These “falling stars” are mostly the size of apple seeds. But larger ones are out there…
Statistically, the coldest week falls about now— in late January—for most places in Europe and North America.Some of us who live in rural areas heat with wood, which may sound romantic until you’ve done it for a while. You grab icy logs barehanded and lug them to the house, where any remaining wrist hairs are burned off as they’re tossed in the stove.En route, one sometimes…
Have you heard of the Dog Star, Sirius? In February, it’s the brightest star in Earth’s night sky, parading overhead from nightfall until midnight. When viewing Sirius, we’re actually seeing the combined light of two stars. Learn how to find Sirius.Sirius is the alpha dog of the Big Dog constellation (Canis Major) and the brightest star of February. This star was considered bad news in…
Groundhog Day. Just a bizarre tradition involving a marmot, right? Believe it or not, Groundhog Day is full of amazing sky-related stuff. Even its date relates to the heavens. Bob Berman explains the connection between astronomy and sky-watching.As the tradition goes, a Pennsylvania groundhog ignores crowds of humans closely gathered around him and then, despite having a 4-ounce brain, gets…
There’s been a lot of hype in the news about a great planetary alignment in January 2025. Here are the facts, which are pretty cool anyway. It won’t be a magical lineup, but it WILL be an amazing planetary display you won’t want to miss. It’s truly the best overall planet view in years. Here’s more information.The 8 Planets First, here’s a quick review. Of the eight planets in our…
In 2025, we will have THREE supermoons in a row! October brings us the year’s first supermoon; then, we will see one in November and December! What is a supermoon, exactly? We agree that it’s a catchy word—and anything encouraging us to explore the night sky is positive—but let’s also get our facts straight.What Is a Supermoon?Generally speaking, a supermoon is a full Moon that appears…
It’s a new Moon! For astronomers, a new Moon means no Moon to see. For many cultures, however, the new Moon carries special meaning. What does a new Moon look like, and what does it mean? Let’s explore, fellow Moon lovers â€¦What Is a New Moon?A new Moon is essentially the opposite of a full Moon. During a full Moon, we see the side of the Moon that is illuminated by the Sun, giving…
Sister planet. Nearest neighbor. Goddess of love. How appealing the planet Venus sounds! But the strange cloudy world is actually a land of paradox and horror. Discover 10 weird facts about planet Venus, the hottest planet in our solar system!10 Cool Facts About Hot VenusTake the time to learn some ten cool Venus facts about our very, very hot neighboring planet!Venus is…
The winter solstice occurs on Saturday, December 21, at 4:19 a.m. Yes, this is the “shortest” day of the year, but let’s talk about how many minutes each day the daylight increases afterward. Plus, we’ll discuss other ways you can see and feel the solstice.What Happens on the Winter Solstice?Here are the most tangible factors affecting your everyday life.  Your shadow…
Did anyone else catch the comet this week? C/2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is making its 80,000-year orbit around the Sun and came from beyond Pluto to visit! Learn how to best view this visitor from outer space. The comet will be visible through October 26. Get the update.Update on Comet Tsuchinshan-AtlasIf you’ve been trying to see the new comet with no luck, don’t give up. It suddenly…
Double, double, toil, and trouble! Autumn is a great time to spot a double star! Today, we’ll highlight the famous Epsilon Lyrae—which is called the “Double Double.” Don’t worry; you don’t need to contact your optician. Read all about this very curious starry sight.What is Epsilon Lyrae?Commonly referred to as the “Double Double,” Epsilon Lyrae (pronounced EP-sill-on Lye Ree) is defined…