Learn how to plant and grow shasta daisies, a classic perennial.
Planting, Growing, and Caring for Shasta Daisies
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I planted Shasta Daisies I bought from a nursery, within a week all the pedals disappeared! Not enough water? Compost? Did a bird steal them for their nest??
Hi Susie,
Sorry to hear about your shasta daisies. There could be a number of factors that led to the petals dropping—not the correct soil composition at the time of planting, incorrect watering or soil is not well-draining, or shock from the transplant. It’s also hard to know how long the flowers have been in bloom prior to your purchase. You should deadhead the spent flowers and hopefully there will be more blooms to come in the coming months.
Watch for the bugs...Shasta Daisies are beautiful, but mine attracted an abundance of earwigs that were attacking the other plants in the garden as well. When I dug up the daisies, I found that the earwigs were nesting all around the roots, there was an entire community! Unfortunately, I removed all of the Shasta Daisies in my organic landscape rather than deal with a maintenance of ridding them. I haven't had a problem with earwigs for 2 years now.
To A. Rockwell - please research the plant and company and reviews. May not be what they portray. Seemed too good to be true.
To Almanac - thank you for your solid advice on daisies.
Miracle Daises (according to internet) are a type of Daisy which grows spiral pattern; green seed garden has them; they are really spectacular; (id never heard of them; I might try the seeds);
Daisies have always been one of my favorite flowers. In fact, they were the flowers in my bridal bouquet.
that is cool
Hi Catherine, I wanted to let you know I found your article about growing sashta daisies very helpful. Thank you, Richard
When should I remove dying flowers?
As soon as the flowers start to look like they’re dying (browning, wilting petals), they can be snipped off! Unless, of course, you want the plant to produce seed, in which case you would want to let the flowers mature fully before cutting them down.