Do you think this could be made in a crockpot? I have not found any crockpot fiddlehead recipies
Hi, Michelle. We would not recommend making this soup in a slow cooker.
Can you buy seeds or seedlings to plant in your garden? Are they an annual or perennial? Do they companion plant well with anything?
Depending on where you are located, you may be able to find Ostrich ferns at a local nursery. They grow like most other ornamental ferns, preferring cool, moist, shaded areas with rich soil. They’re commonly found in Canada and the northern half of the US, so if you’re south of Zone 7, you may have difficulty growing them due to the summer heat. They are perennials and go well with most other shade-loving plants. Ostrich ferns get fairly tall (3ft+), so consider planting shorter plants—like small hostas—around them.
Where do you live that you can harvest ostrich ferns? Your area must have much better grocers than where I live. One does good to find fresh herbs, much less ostrich fern.
What is fiddle head ead?,I live in south Carolina have never heard of it
There are ferns that look very similar to Ostrich fern (Matteuccia struthiopteris) that are TOXIC. You need to know what you're doing if you're going to eat fiddleheads!
Right you are. If you are unfamiliar with Ostrich ferns, we suggest buying your fiddleheads from the market instead of digging them up yourself.