
Easy Beet Kvass Recipe

Fermented beet kvass in two glass jars
Photo Credit
Madeleine Steinbach

How to Make Homemade Beetroot Kvass

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Beet kvass is a fermented vegetable drink that is easy to make and loaded with probiotics. Learn how to make real beetroot kvass here!

What is Fermentation?

Canning and freezing—as methods to preserve food—are relatively new in the Grand Scheme of Evolution.

Our ancestors (who did not have the advantage of electricity) largely fermented their crops in order to eat them at a later date. Pickles, relish, ketchup, mayonnaise, sauerkraut, and mustard were all originally fermented. Depending on the environment, fermented fish, eggs, miso, kefir, kombucha, and yogurt were also staples of early Man’s diet.

It’s too bad that we have lost our taste for cultured food because that is literally where culture begins. These particular edible items also contain much that is good for us; probiotics to keep our immune systems strong and digestive enzymes to help us to digest what we eat. Could the decline in our health be due to the loss of these “helpers” in our diet? It is said that the availability of vitamin C in cabbage is increased ten times when it is made into sauerkraut.

I have recently begun making—and consuming—a lot of beet kvass. It’s incredibly easy to make, and it is loaded with probiotics. Dr. Joseph Mercola recently tested some fermented vegetables and found that one serving of these foods had as many probiotics as a large bottle of expensive pills. Why not have the same benefit for a lot less money?

How to Make Beet Kvass

Here’s what I do. I take three or four medium-sized organic beets and cut them into chunks (you don’t want to grate them or cut them small because they will ferment too quickly & turn into alcohol).

 I fill a quart jar about 1/4 to 1/3 full with these beets. I add a teaspoon of good quality salt (like organic grey sea salt or Himalayan).

 Optional: I will often add a couple of garlic gloves and 1/3 cup of homemade whey, but this is not necessary.

Fill the jar with fresh (preferably not chlorinated and not with added fluoride) water, leaving an inch of air space at the top. Cover tightly with a lid. Place on your kitchen counter for two days and shake a couple of times a day.

That’s it—you now have some beet kvass for your refrigerator. When the juice is gone, you can refill it with water and set it on the counter for another two days for an additional batch.

My husband and I now drink a shot glass’ worth of the kvass with our meals. Another great kvass that you might want to try is fruit kvass. For me, personally, it solved a heartburn problem I was having, and I prefer this flu defense to any and all flu shots. I have shown these two smaller glasses with one regular one so that you can get an idea of the amount that we actually drink. To your health!

How did your beet kvass turn out? Let us know below!

About The Author

Celeste Longacre

Celeste is The Old Farmer's Almanac astrologer. She has also been growing virtually all of her family’s vegetables for the entire year for over 30 years. Read More from Celeste Longacre

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