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i live in virginia and my glads winter over just fine. i would like to move my plants and seperate to another location. can i cut off the leaves now , let them dry out of the ground and then replant in their new location now?
I will be planting my first container garden on my back patio. So thank you for this Farmers Almanac. I'm sure I'll use it often.
can gladiolus corms be stored in peat moss?
you didn't say what you did with the new baby corms on the glad. And, the picture with a caption "place new corms in a bucket" looked like the old corms minus the baby corms.
I love in Northern Utah. Would covering the bulbs (already in ground) with wood chips or top soil keep them protected from our cold winters?
I live in Nanaimo, British Columbia. The winters & spring here are far too wet here to keep glads in the ground, they just rot, so have to be removed & put into wood shavings. I plant mine in containers & move them into the garage & bring them out in the late spring.
Hi i live in trinidad my glads bloom in june what do i do now ...?