Stuffoli Dough
Honey Sauce
The authentic recipe is worth trying, despite frying. Take a chance and use a healthier oil and take some more time in the kitchen, just as with cutout sugar cookies. The results will be worth it, and leave out the orange juice.
Wonderful not to have to use and dirty my food processor making sticky dough and then deep frying. This recipe is made in one bowl. There is no need to roll the dough. Just pinch off a piece from the bowl and roll into a ball. EASY! To the mix, I add 1 Tbl. of whiskey, rum, grand manier....whatever I have on hand. I let the struffola dry in a paper bag for a couple of days. Heat 1/2 cup of honey, orange zest and 1 tsp rum; add struffola and stir to coat. Pour onto tray and sprinkle with colored nonpareils. Perfecto! I will never fry struffola again.
Hi !!! I’m so excited to make this - always wanted to but don’t because of frying... am I understanding after you roll into balls you put the dough balls in a paper bag for a few days? How does the dough balls not stick together? Do u coat them w flour or something ? Tk u so much !!
I bake the balls for 30 min. After they cool, I put them in a paper bag to dry and get crunchy for 3 days.
Why are these called "Honey Balls" if there is no honey?
In large pot, heat 1/2 cup of honey, orange zest, and (optional) 1 tsp rum, whiskey, B&B... Then add struffola and stir to coat. Pour onto tray and sprinkle with colored nonpareils.