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That’s a strange one! It seems highly unlikely that voles will be eating the hot peppers since mammals experience the same heat that we do from the capsaicin in the fruits. We’re the only mammal that seems to like the heat! We’ve never heard of voles eating tomato fruits either, although they have been known to chew through tomato plant stems and eat the leaves. But if you’ve seen this with your own eyes, we stand corrected!

Birds will eat hot peppers and other peppers (they can’t sense the capsaicin), and they’ll peck at tomatoes too, so we reckon they are more likely the culprits. It might be worth netting the plants to keep them off, making sure that determined birds can’t get under the netting and become trapped. 

Alternatively, if the remaining tomatoes are starting to ripen (with a blush), just pick them and finish ripening them indoors just to be safe. 

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